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Chapter 5

POV: Faith

Two days. Two bliss filled days of silence. I swear I thought my head would explode if I had to listen to anymore of her shit. And if not my head then me. I wanted to. So fucking much I wanted to wipe that self righteous wounded look from her face. But I didn’t. I held my shaking arms tight at my side, said my piece and left.

Maybe it was for Dawn. Maybe if she hadn’t have been there then Buffy would’ve learnt real quick that I won’t be standing for her crap. And I really won’t.

Half of me wants to, half of me wants to lay down and tell her to give me the best she’s got. All that pain that she’s trying so hard to hide, she can unload it my way, I can take pain. But the other half… that’s the half that cares about me. About what I need. My own pain.

Who knew that being back could be so much fun? A real fucking laugh riot.

When she said that shit about Dawn, I wanted to fucking break her. How could she? I know she’s got her issues… but man, Dawn’s a kid. You could just about feel her heart tearing in two, I had to say something.

Maybe I should’ve just shut up. Left it alone. It’s hardly my place to preach is it? She just makes me so damn mad. The whole time I’ve known her, she’s never had enough sense to know when she’s got some good stuff going. So she died..? So fucking what! I lay in a coma for eight months… at least she got her sabbatical in heaven. And now she’s back, with her family, her friends, and yeah it’s hard… but for Christ sake B!

I just wanna shake her. Really damn hard. You know, maybe wrench those eyes open for her and show her what she’s missing. It ain’t perfect, but it’s living. It’s worth something.

I took Dawn out to the movies last night, nothing heavy, some girly chick flick crap that had me reaching for the sick bucket. She liked it though. Was totally full of smiles the whole time we were there and through milkshakes. Pretty much made it through the walk home as well. That’s when things got crappy.

She started asking me if she could stay with me for a while. Ya know, cos she’s happiest when she hangs out with me. What could I say? It had to be a ‘no’. Didn’t matter what I thought, what I wanted for the kid… I knew that teaching her to run away from her problems just ain’t the way to go.

I got pissed with her when she said she had other places she could go;

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“What I said, I have friends I could stay with. People that care if I’m happy…”

“Don’t even go there Dawn! I get that your sisters treating ya like crap, and that blows… but if you think you can pull the brat act with me, then you’re wrong…” I swear she was doing petulant. Hard to remember how old she is sometimes, especially when she starts acting like a two year old. “You know I care, that’s why I’m here. But letting you crash at mine just isn’t happening.”

“But I hate it there!”

“I know ya do, but ya gotta get through it.”

She slumped her shoulders and pulled a perfect B pout. It was kinda freaky the likeness. “Can’t I just stay for a little while, like a couple of days… I bet Buffy wouldn’t even know I was gone.”

She was probably right, but it was still wrong. She had a home, she belonged there.

“I can’t kid, I’m sorry but no.”

The rest of the walk to the house was stomped along in silence. Her always keeping a couple of steps ahead. She tried behind at first but there’s no way I’m not keeping my eye on her. She learnt pretty quick that in front was the only way to go.

I think she thought I was gonna just let her walk away without a goodbye, without some kind of assurance that I’d see her soon. She almost ran those last couple of steps, but I’m quicker, beat her to the door and stuck my ass right in front of her.

“So what? You don’t say thanks for a wicked evening, haven’t you got any manners?”

I got to see Dawn’s own version of pissed eyes then. She cast them up quick, burning with that quiet kind of rage. “Thank you… the movie was great, just what I needed to take my mind off of the fact that my life is crap. Worse then crap… really, thanks.”

Maybe there was a Summers self pity gene?

“What is it with you guys, huh? Yeah, life can be shit, I get that better then most… but Dawn, you have so much going for you and things WILL get better.” I did a twirl, made her at least pretend to smile. “I mean look at me… who would’ve thought a couple of years ago that I would’ve turned out so damn good?”

It wasn’t the best ad in the world for a better life I know, but ya have to work with what you’ve got. At least she didn’t look quite so pissed when she went in, was still playing at grumpy, but pissed had gone. It’s damn hard work trying to keep this girl smiling.

I didn’t make firm see ya again plans, she’s supposed to be seeing her counsellor this evening and then going straight home. So I’m just chilling on my own. I forgot how noisy this place could be, how mad it made my head. Even sitting here on my own I can’t let it go. It’s why I needed a little time, just a rest from the madness.

I was tempted to go Bronzing… to live a little just for me. But the fucking fear of seeing HER keeps me here confined. My whole world is in conflict whenever I’m near her… I’m finding it hard to deal.

I never expected that she would welcome me back, I wouldn’t have trusted it if she did… but I didn’t think that the feeling, the..? GOD! I can’t even think it straight… the thing that’s us, that fucking charge I mentioned, whatever that bullshit is or isn’t… I didn’t think I’d be pulled in again. Damned helpless again.

Angel, Angel, calling Angel. Do ya copy?

Yeah. He loves the helpless. I wonder if there’s a limit on saves per person? I’ll have to remember to ask him. He’s still trying to sort me a baby sitter. He said I can have first choice but I have to wait till next week. He offered me the quicker alternative… I said no. I’m really looking forward to it… Dawn’s great, most of the time, and Tara’s wicked… even Red shocked the shit out of me with her acceptance of me being here… but I miss my own buddies. Talk about things other then Sunnydale.

The thinking is pissing me off. I’m gonna shower, possibly drink… definitely sleep. No more Summers thoughts. I’ll think about winter, it’s colder. It suits.


POV: None

The master of the lair surveyed his scene with an air of pronounced grandeur. He liked the feeling. Liked knowing that he controlled everything before him. It was his. He had earned it, made it happen. His subjects cowered before him on the floor, looking up through glazed eyes of appreciation, hanging onto every word that marched from his mouth with certain authority.

“But why does it have to be me?”

The whining words broke the leader from his self important daze. What a moment ago had been his loyal subject was now just Andrew. Just Andrew in the basement and questioning his perfect plan.

“It has to be you. It can’t be me…” he raised his chin to the side, showed off his profile. “…I’m much too important to do the field work on this, I need to be here… running things, taking charge… and as for him…” he motioned to his other subject, allowed his eyes to run disdainfully over his form. “…who would ever believe it? He’s much too short for the job. It’s a question of genetics. Think yourself lucky.”

“Maybe she likes the more… vertically challenged male, I could be the man of her dreams.”

“Johnathan, Johnathan… let me break it down for you.” He flipped over the white board which was just in front of him to show his troops the detailed and very graphic stick man drawing with the plans for the ambush. “We need to get her here…” he pointed with his plastic pointer to the entrance of the park. “…but we also need to make sure that all the targets are in the right place. Remember, this is our in, our chance to get a foot in the door… inside the central nervous system of the enemy’s camp.”

Now he placed his pointer next to the stick figure of Johnathan, half the size of any other illustration. “This my little wizard is you… from here it’s your job to create the monster… remember, nothing too scary… it could get dangerous, just something to frighten… to allow Indiana Jerkoff to rescue the girl…”

“Uh… how dangerous is dangerous?”

“Not now Andrew.”

“But this is my life we’re talking about… how utterly dangerous will it be?” The very nervous blonde haired boy was casting his gaze around himself wondering how the hell he had ever gotten himself to here. Yes he was Tucker’s brother and with that came a certain responsibility to uphold the craft of summoning demons… but what Warren was suggesting..? It scared him. Summoning the thing he wanted was too much even for Andrew, they would need the ultimate witch… the most powerful magics, and to get that witch there, all sorts of in depth and scary plans needed to be executed. Least of all this one.

“It’ll be nothing, we’ll be watching the whole time… ready to jump in at a moments notice.”

Warren’s words didn’t reassure him. Sometimes he felt like Warren was in this just for himself. Just because he wanted to rule the world. To be King. The evil Emperor.

“But I’m not good with danger. I get hives… then I start itching…”

“There won’t be danger, ok? We’ll conjure up a magic pony instead and you can take her for a ride around the park… would that be better? That’s definitely a much better plan… why didn’t I think of that?”

He waited a moment, let the silence hang. “Because I’m not a stupid sissy, that’s why!”

Andrew could feel himself cowering under Warren’s gaze. He liked it usually when he was all assertive, but this wasn’t nice. He could feel his insides churning from the knowledge of his leader’s disappointment in him.

“Ok… I’ll do it.”

“I know you will.” He turned back to the board, pointed again to the entrance of the park. “We need to wait till the Slayer is in place. We need a witness, someone to see you saving her. Your hero moment.”

Andrew’s hands were starting to sweat. He reminded himself to breathe deep. He could do this. He would just pretend he was someone else. Maybe Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing, he always had a way with the girls. Maybe he could find a leather jacket. With shoulder pads. Learn some smooth moves.

“When we give you the signal you go for it. Three quick hits and it’ll vaporise… you’ll be the saviour, the slayer will be in your debt… and we my friends will be on our way to ruling the world.”

“And why can’t we just take the witch now and be done with it?”

“Johnathan… did you raise your hand?”

“Uh… no?”

“Well if you want to speak in future, raise your hand. None of us have got time for silly questions, lets find a way to cut them out.”

Johnathan also found himself wondering how he’d gotten into this. Since the whole ‘Superstar’ magic went wrong he’d been struggling to make a go of anything. He tried to go straight, just be him… but it didn’t work. Andrew and Warren at least accepted him… they let him hang out with them, and he was allowed to speak sometimes as well.

“If you’d been paying attention you’d know ‘the witch’ has quit magic. I don’t think us saying please is gonna make her do it again… especially not the world ending kind, she’s a habit of working for the light side of the force.” He shook his head sadly. He’d had such hopeful ambitions when he had sent Rak her way. Had witnessed her addiction getting out of hand… but in the end her friends had saved her. She quit cold turkey. Now they needed a way of knowing how to turn her back onto magic. Dark magic. They needed a mole in the camp. An Andrew sized mole.

“This way we’ll know everything about her. Her strengths, her weaknesses. Everything… and before you know it will all be ours…”

He took up his leadership stance again. Walked a commanding path in front of his men. Shoulders back, head held proud.

“… we’ll be unstoppable. Presidents will kneel before us and beg for our mercy, rulers will cower under our gaze, even Gods will be scared to question our actions… we will be the highest power… the ultimate power… we will be Kings!”

Before him on the floor his subjects again withered. In Johnathan’s eyes was fear. He wanted to be King… always had, but ultimate power? It sounded like a big responsibility. And Warren was right. He was a little short.

Andrew’s was a mixed gaze of fear and admiration. It was scary, it was a huge quest on which they had embarked… but Warren always looked so powerful when he was like this, it made him want to… believe in him.

The only thing which really stood out from Warren’s eyes was evil. Pure and simple. Evil.



POV: Faith

There’s never such a thing as a quiet night in. You may think you’re just gonna chill out alone, get in some quality drinking time and hit the sack, but some person always has to have other ideas. Their own set of plans.

I’d managed some drinking time, it was a pleasant diversion and my ETA on a crash time was set pretty soon. When I first heard the banging I figured it was my head, wouldn’t be the first time I had unexplained noises in the cranium… but hearing my name screeched right along with it was kinda unsettling. It didn’t take too long after that to figure out it was the door. And they say alcohol dulls the senses. Never!

I cast my eyes across at my companion, he sat there half drunk, just one little bottle asking for my friendship. I didn’t like to leave him, he’d been good to me, but the banging was louder and I knew I probably should answer.

“Won’t be a minute, keep yourself amused.”

He didn’t answer. He never did. It’s kinda why I liked him.

Answering the door to Buffy fucked with my breathing. Seriously, I couldn’t do it. I stood there getting redder and redder wondering if she was gonna speak. I think I may have grunted. It didn’t encourage friendly conversation.

“Where is she?”

Who? I think I looked at her confused, I still didn’t have the air for speaking.

“Don’t fuck with me Faith, where IS she?”

She looked totally pissed and it didn’t take a genius to work out what was coming next. I offered her confused again and she offered me her fist. It fucking hurt! Again! It released my ability to breath though and I sucked in a damn big lungful of oxygen. I was gonna need it, I was mad.

“What the hell IS your fucking problem!?” I think I got in her space because I was pretty soon aware of her hands on my chest, pushing me back. I forced against her, urged her to feel the fucking heat I had for her, how damn mad she had made me. “Don’t push me away B, don’t come to my fucking apartment and push me away!”

She pushed harder, broke my resistance. I landed back on my ass, her looming over me, nothing but absolute contempt for me in her gaze. “Tell me where she is!”

We were still on that? I didn’t have a clue.

I slowly pulled myself up, my eyes on her the whole time. I was watching for the sneaky move, the knife in the gut. “What the fuck are you talking about? Where’s who?”

If she didn’t answer me like a damn human being I was putting her on HER ass. I was so sick of the way she found to speak to me. Those few seconds of something else, nothing to balance the disgust she treated me with at any other time. Her eyes gave her away. Her ass was where she would be.

“I know the idiot’s easy for you to play Faith, but don’t insult me… where the hell is she?”

Bye bye Buffy.

I sat her on her ass so quick she didn’t have a clue what had happened and in my head I silently thanked Angel for all the speed training he had made me do. It helped. She went to get up, so I chose my time to speak.

“Slow down B, if your gonna continue talking shit at me I’m gonna keep putting you on your ass… seems like a waste of time, so unless you got something worth saying, I suggest you stay down there.”


I sighed. I couldn’t help it. I was so damn tired of all of this. I didn’t come here for this. I swear I didn’t.

“Right. I’m a bitch, you’re a bitch, we’re both bitches…” I sighed again. It was my action of the evening. “…we’ve got that covered ok? Now please, before I lose whatever bit of sanity has stuck it out this long, what ARE you talking about.”

I could see her looking around me, trying to see inside my apartment.

“Do ya wanna come in?”

I had to offer. Even slayer sight couldn’t go round corners.

I saw her sag, as if she just decided to stop supporting her own weight. It must be hard being in her head right now, I haven’t a damn clue what goes on in there, ever… but you could see how hard it is.

It made me soften. I didn’t want to, hard was the best way to play it with her, I had learnt that… but I couldn’t help it. Maybe I had changed. Had grown. Matured.

“Hey, come on… you can tell me what’s going on.” I leant out, put my hand down to her, offered her a lift.

You know she refused right? It was so obvious that I think that’s maybe why I offered. To prove to myself how well I knew her. She lifted herself up, dusted herself down.

“Fine, I’ll come in… but it’s only to check that she isn’t here. I don’t want to come in.”

Charming. I just raised my eyebrows at her, I didn’t have the right words. I was still feeling soft.

“So who are we looking for?”

“Not we, me. And Dawn.”

Fuck! Of course. What else would bring her to my door?

“Dawn..? What’s going on?”

She didn’t answer, she went from room to room in my place. Even had the gall to open the doors to my closet space.

“For crying out loud B, she isn’t here!…” No reaction, no stopping her from her course. “…why are you going through my laundry?…” Nothing. “…get the fuck out of my stuff!”

That was it. She had turned to me holding a pair of my discarded lacy panties, her eyebrow slightly quirked. What the fuck was this? I know she didn’t think she was finding Dawn anywhere near my panties.

“Jesus B… will you just stop?”

She made her way from my bathroom back into the bedroom. Finally came to stop at the bed. Sat herself down. Sighed a sigh of her own.

“Where is she?”

“What? You gotta know I don’t know…”

“Where is she?”

Did someone get stuck on repeat?

“I don’t know B… but we’ll find her. Where did you see her last?”

Her eyes finally made their way up to mine. And yeah, my heart broke. I told you, it happens everyday for her. They were so… desolate. There must be so much pain in there if this is what she has to do to keep it all at bay. Make herself empty. I remembered the feeling. And I knew the things I had done when I felt that way. I worried for her then. I couldn’t help myself.

I went to the bed and knelt down in front of her. My hand went to make it’s way to her head, to the hair that was hanging in front of her face. I wanted her to know that I saw her. In there somewhere, I still saw her. Her voice froze me. It had all the steel I remembered.

“Don’t. Don’t touch me Faith.”

My hand hung there for a moment, undecided. I was strong, I knew I could break through steel. But I wasn’t brave enough, didn’t have the courage to try. I let it drop back down. Let myself drop down. I rested on my haunches, allowed just my eyes to rest on her.

She continued on. Matter of fact. “She was supposed to have her counsellor tonight. The school arranged it, because… because of what she did. What she tried to do.”

It was hard to be matter of fact though when it comes to your sister and her voice betrayed what her eyes didn’t. A little of what she was feeling, of what she had lost.

“I was at home, and yes I know, that makes a change… but I’m trying ok?” She didn’t wait for my answer, didn’t need it I guess. “The school rang. Dawn didn’t show, the lady waited there for an hour, then she called me.”

Her shoulders raised again in a sigh. “I waited at home, I don’t know, I guessed she was just trying to piss me off… then it got dark, and I…” She flitted her eyes to mine so quick, I nearly blinked, nearly missed it. “…I thought she was with you, I thought you said she could come here… she said she wanted to.”

I couldn’t blame her for thinking that, I knew how low her opinion of me was.

“I swear B, I haven’t heard from her.”

“You’d think that would make me feel better…” She let out a little hollow laugh. “…yet right now I wish that you had. That she was here.”

Her head was shaking as if she couldn’t believe her own words. That something could be worse then me? There was a revelation. I decided to take it as a compliment, like I said, you work with what ya got.

“Is there anywhere else she could be? Someone she goes to?”

I thought back to Dawn’s remark about friends. Places she could stay. She never said names to me though. Not one.

Buffy’s eyes glazed over, her head shaking again. Then she threw herself back on the bed, groaned in frustration.

“Oh god, please no?” I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

“What’s that B?”

She suddenly started wriggling on the bed, put her hand underneath herself and pulled out the soft toy I bought for Dawn, I hadn’t given it to her yet. Was waiting on a time.

She looked at it kinda curious I guess. Her eyes narrowing on me. “What’s this?”

“Soft toy?”

“YOU have a soft toy?”

They do a whole special range for psycho bitches nowadays, I thought everyone knew that.

“It’s not mine, I bought it for Dawn… you know?” She looked at me like she didn’t. “To uh… make her smile?”

She raised it up in front of her eyes, turned it around in her hands. She looked like she was feeling it. Eventually her gaze left the softness of the toy and found the softness of me. I felt as hard as a fucking marshmallow sat there in front of her. I raised myself up, put myself on her level. She didn’t move. Then she did. Her mouth opening to speak.

“How do you do that?”

What? Turn to marshmallow? It’s easy B, I look right at you. That sounded to corny even to me. I choked it back.

“Do what B?” It sounded better.

She looked down at the toy again, smiled a little smile. Then she put it to the side, gave me back her attention. “Nothing Faith. It doesn’t matter.”

I still wasn’t brave enough to tell her that it might matter to me. I let her carry on.

“I think I know where she is…” Again our evening had another sigh. “…there’s this… uh guy… type thing. A guy.”

Dawn was dating? Sly girl never told me. “A guy? Figured you for stricter B.”

“No! Not like that, that’s ewww!…” Her eyes went wide as I guess she considered it. “…totally not letting the brain go there.” She shook it away. “It’s a vamp, he helps us sometimes… Spike?”

Oh fuck. I had heard of him. Kinda met him. Angel had not a nice word to say. Said the guy was a prick. Had a chip in his head, but was still just a prick. I trusted him more then her.

“Damn B, the guy’s a prick and you let Dawn hang out with him?”

“You know Spike?”

What kinda name was Spike anyway? “Met him once, different costume.” I motioned my hands to my body. I saw her get it. Saw her eyes widen even more.

“Oh my god… you didn’t..? Tell me you didn’t…”

Didn’t? Oh! “NO!”

“Right, I uh…”

“Doesn’t matter… but why on earth you letting Dawn hang with him?”

Her brow furrowed as if she was still trying to work that out for herself. Then she went on to tell me. Offered me a few insights into parenting Dawn. The other side of the story. Wasn’t all sweet Dawn that was for sure. She didn’t get deep into her own shit, tried to steer clear as much as she could, but she did say she was finding it hard… was trying with Dawn, but nothing was ever enough, whatever she found to give, Dawn just demanded more. I think she felt like Dawn was punishing her for dying still. Had never accepted her death so didn’t accept her being back. I could see the sense in that.

But none of it got us Dawn back now. I didn’t care what she said about Spike helping them out, not being so bad. I didn’t want him near Dawn.

When she got up to leave I said I was coming. She so quickly got the now boring steel back into her eyes. Pissed me off. What was the point? It was confusing the fuck outta me. I didn’t know what the hell I was supposed to be feeling.

“Don’t even bother B. You know I’m coming… I’ve a few words to say to Dawn, I’ll stay out of your way, but I’m definitely coming.”


It was a virtual invitation.

My first time back in that cemetery was no great excitement. Nothing had really changed, it made me think that nothing ever really does. Buffy wasn’t talking to me, she didn’t need to. It’s like this; imagine being the most fucking powerful person in existence. Strongest, fastest, the lot. Now imagine walking beside the only other person in the world who knew that feeling. Shared that feeling. It was a fucking rush. It lifted my step and I could see it lifting hers. It wasn’t choice, it was just nature. Something she couldn’t hide.

When we came to the door she didn’t knock. She kicked the door, stormed in. I had to follow.

I recognised him straight away. It seemed right that he stood there barefoot with no shirt. He oozed sex, but it was just creepy. Made even me wanna itch. And the way his eyes travelled over me, came to rest on Buffy? I had to swallow some bile,

“Slayer…” he let the word drip from his tongue. I knew he wasn’t talking to me. I wondered if he did. “…am I late for a date?…” again his eyes on me. Touching me. “…you bring reinforcements?”

She hit him so hard even I hurt, but he didn’t stay down. Smiled his rise, ran his cold dead tongue over his busted lip. “I get foreplay tonight?”

Oh I was so chewing her out for letting Dawn anywhere near him! I don’t care how disobedient Dawn can be… she should’ve tied her down. Denied her some civil liberties.

I stepped up, was sick of listening. “Cut the crap Romeo… where’s Dawn?”

He ignored me, focused on Buffy. “I like her, she’s feisty.”

I hit him, showed him just how feisty. “Keep it in your pants Blondie.” I kicked him there hard for good measure. Slayer force. All of it. I found it damn pleasing watching him squirm on the floor.

“That’s enough Faith.” She called me off. I let her. Watched her turn her attention to him. “Spike, Dawn is missing, I need to know… have you seen her?”

“The little bits missing?” Oh fuck off! Surely she didn’t fall for that crap. Eyes which were two seconds ago gleaming with sadism, were now all concern, heart warming puke.

“‘Dawn’ is missing…” I cast a withering glare down on his form. “…as for your little bit? I really wouldn’t wanna hazard a guess.”

He brought himself up before me. Dared to find my space. Eyes locked into mine. Yeah I wanted him to push me. It would only happen once.

“Spike. Have you seen her?”

Immediately he dropped back. Offered me a twisted smile. Turned to her. “Yeah, she came sniffing round earlier… I did what you said, I sent her away, told her to go home, big sis was waiting.”

Jesus! I couldn’t believe he was trying to do gallant. Who the fuck was this..? This thing?

“When? When was she here?”

“I figure a little over half an hour…”

I’d like to tie him to a sundial, make him surer.

“…she seemed upset, do you need me to come and help you look?”

She seemed upset and he sent her off alone. Oh please?

“She seemed upset and you let her go off alone, knowing what she did..?” He looked at me like I aggravated him. “I’m pretty sure we don’t need you helping us to find Dawn.”

His expression changed to mild amusement, he walked around me, eyeing me. It made me uncomfortable, like I wanted to strike. “Faith..?” Now my true name dripped from his lips. “…About so high, criminally insane..?” He had the fucking audacity to sneer at me. “…I’m not leaving Buffy alone with you.”

I laughed. It was laugh or… fuck, I don’t know. Die? I looked in amazement at B, I didn’t get that she knew this thing. Socialised with him. I thought she had these fucking huge moral standards and now I was beginning to wonder.

She looked like she didn’t know what to say, I saw her look at him, at me and back again. I felt like she was working out what was her safest option. Interesting. I couldn’t wait to find out.

“Spike you come, Faith we need all the help we can get, Dawn’s my sister… this is my call. Argue with me, I don’t want you here. Just give me a reason to tell you to get lost.”

Give me a reason to separate your head from your neck?

“I just want to find Dawn, B… I’ve no problem staying out of your way.”

He smiled at me. A dirty smile. She didn’t. It was another time when I couldn’t see what her eyes might say. If she had anything to say.

As we left the crypt and took up a pace there was no more feeling of a familiar step, of a rhythm, an us. It was them and me. I didn’t get it, but I felt it. I guess maybe he really did help, maybe there was more to him then the shallow beast I had seen. Something had B at his side instead of mine, finding step with his feet instead of my feet.

I don’t think I need to say how that felt. I knew it was what I expected. What I deserved from her. But it still fucking held me in a moments vice of pain. My heart beating fast as I panicked at all I was feeling. I had to stop, rest and catch a breath.

They both turned at once, looking at me oddly. Then I got it, both of them could hear my heart, my rush of blood. I gestured with my hands. “It’s nothing, indigestion, too much Jack.”

I didn’t get sympathy, they turned and walked on. I hoped they both got struck by lightening, I wished for it the whole time I was walking behind them. Not out loud though. You never know what kinds of things are lurking to hear your words in Sunnydale. But in my head. They fried.

All I wanted now was to find Dawn. Of course I was worried, and pissed, and damn right I meant it when I said I would be talking to her. I certainly didn’t come here for her crap. I get all that from B.

I look at them walking ahead of me. Not touching, not talking. But better then me.

All I wanted was some time alone. A quiet night in. Some minutes away from the madness. LA and home was feeling so damn far away. Tonight I would call Angel. I was like an addict falling off the wagon, I need to speak to my sponsor.

Maturity was just so hard. Everything was just so hard.

POV: None

The girl was sat alone in the park. Her legs dangling wearily from the swing. She didn’t move to push herself, had no interest in going backwards and forwards, of feeling the wind rush against her face. She was just sitting. Tired.

She felt so alone, so lost. It didn’t seem right. She felt wrong for feeling the way that she was feeling, but she just couldn’t help it. Everything had gone bad. Her whole life felt like some kind of sick joke designed to make her cry, to hurt.

Her mind went to Faith. She wished she could say her saviour but she couldn’t, she didn’t feel saved. Having her here was awesome, she really listened, really cared… but it wasn’t the puzzle piece that she had needed, the bit that was missing. Only her sister could make that pain go away, but Buffy wasn’t there, wasn’t ever there. It’s why she came here.

She figured that sitting alone in a park in Sunnydale after sunset had to be a pretty sure way to get Buffy’s attention. It was kinda creepy though and she was well aware that she stood to arouse more then just the slayer’s attention by sitting there alone, like maybe the things that the slayer slayed. She had a stake, hoped she wouldn’t have to try and use it.


“Big Daddy… come in Big Daddy, this is Dirty Dancer, do you copy me? Over.”

Andrew sat amongst the bushes twirling the dial on his little walkie talkie. He had the girl in his sights, was fully prepared and ready to go. All day he had been envisioning himself as the super cool Patrick Swayze, had raided his brothers closet for his leather and was now just waiting to perform his ultimate act of heroism.

The static from his radio buzzed loud against the silence of the night, caused the prey to look up from the swing, to turn her gaze around the park, eyes darting into the bushes. He turned the volume down, waited to hear words.

“What are you gibbering about Andrew?”

“Not Andrew… Dirty Dancer, I thought of nicknames for our covert operations…”

“Warren will do fine.”

“No! You’re Big Daddy…” He imagined him stood before him all big and powerful.

“Andrew, we don’t need names, we have names…”


“But no.” The tone of Warren’s voice left him with no answer. “Now are you in place? Can you see her?”

He was about to confirm when a new voice broke in. “Who am I?”


“Uh… yeah?”

“Did you put your hand up?”

The boy looked at his hand poking up from the cover of bushes. “Err, yes.”

“Well put it down.” He meekly lowered it back under cover. Berated himself for speaking.


“Yeah, I can see her. She’s… sitting on a swing.”

“Johnathan, are you ready to go?”

“Yes.” Now he beamed to himself with pride, Warren hadn’t sounded pissed with him.

“Don’t mess it up!”

And he duly deflated. He cast his eyes around his magic charms, assured himself that he knew the spell needed. Waited for the command.

“I can hear something, I think she might be coming… Johnathan, get ready, Andrew… be brave.” Andrew sat shaking. He could do this, he knew he could.


POV: Faith

I’m trailing along behind them watching their backs. If hate was solid I’d have knocked them both over by now. It’s building as we’re walking and we’ve been walking for a while. I’m not even sure where, I don’t need to look left or right, I just follow her, keep my eyes on her.

I can feel the tenseness sliding down her back and rushing up to meet me. She’s so stiff she might crack, every time he touches her I see her go rigid, watch her skin crawl… it makes me wonder why she doesn’t do something. I would never let that dead fucker touch me. Not a chance.

As we come up to the entrance of the park we all stop at the sudden noise, it’s a scream, but more then that it’s Dawn’s scream. I react first, finding my feet running, I’m not following now, I’m finding.

It’s easy. That girl has one hell of a scream on her. I can see her not far from me, backing slowly away from some glowing purple mass of..? Stuff. It looks more like something from a comic book and I can see her straightening herself to take it on. I see her courage, I see the Buffyness of her stance. If she had the super powers to go along with her toughness I would’ve left her to it, but she doesn’t, so I continued with the heading her way.

Just as I’m about to call her name I hear another sound. It’s a boy to her left coming tearing out of the bushes, he rushes to the front of her, hands on hips, posing in leather… it’s easy to hear his words, it sounds like he’s making a speech.

“Hey babe… don’t worry, I’ll save you!”

Oh come on? What a sweetheart.

The big purple stuff chose that moment to let out a growl, closing the distance between them to a mere matter of feet. If the boy was gonna save he had better get to it, he had one chance to be the knight in shining armour, I was ready to pounce.

I saw him turn round all smiles and cockiness, then I saw his eyes widen, saw him virtually piss his pants. The scream was way louder then Dawn’s, and he had now jumped behind her and was clinging for dear life.

“Hey, get off me!”

She was trying to shake him free and at the same time keep away from the monster. It was proving hard. I chose my time to make an entrance, Spike and Buffy were closing in too and I wanted to make my mark first.

“Yo Dawn, you want some help?”

She looked at me in surprise and then gratitude, cast her eyes at the thing. “Can you get him off of me?”

I had to laugh. I walked forward and yanked him from her back. He was still quivering in fear so I made sure I dropped him gently. Dawn backed away further and I turned to face the foe.

Buffy and Spike were warily sizing him up, obviously working as a team to draw it’s attention. I didn’t care for it, jumped straight in. Landed a solid punch, knocked it to the floor. It didn’t even try and retaliate, just growled some and sat there. I watched as Buffy swung her leg round to connect with its head, saw it snap back. My foot was already raised, ready to stamp, to finish a job. As I brought my foot down to where contact should be it vanished. Like serious. One minute there, the next minute… not. It was freaky as shit.

“Whoa…” I looked to the others, forgot for a second that I hated them both right now. “…you did see that right? I made that thing disappear!”

But Buffy was already looking at Dawn, her eyes narrow and filled with something akin to rage. “You. Home. Now!…” She was almost shaking, I guess from the worry. “…I can’t believe this, that you’re here… alone?”

Dawn didn’t answer, didn’t really look up. She was trying to hide her tears from us I think, I wished she didn’t bother, that she’d let Buffy see how capable of hurt she was.

“Just leave it B, it doesn’t need sorting now does it?”

“It’s not you’re concern.”

“Yeah it is.” I made my way to Dawn’s side, threw my arm around her shoulder. I wanted a talk with her, at that moment I felt like I was in the better position to talk to her. I know what she’s feeling, I know how much she wants Buffy’s attention, but getting it like this just isn’t gonna help her. Buffy with a stick up her ass ain’t nobodies friend. I put a little pressure behind my arm and urged her into walking. “Come on kid, let’s get ya home.” She came my way, Buffy didn’t say anything else. It was her turn to follow me now. The boy was walking along at her side, I don’t know why, I didn’t hear her invite him, but he was still there. He kept glancing around, nervous as fuck. Spike was still there as well, playing the happy humanitarian. I couldn’t wait to tell Angel. Man, he would fucking die. Or at least he might die some more.


Chapter 6

POV: Faith

I approach the steps to the house with my arm still tight around Dawn’s shoulders. My grip stays firm to help her to hold in her sobs, every few seconds another shakes through her and I know how close she is to just breaking down. I want to get her inside first, allow her some dignity. It was a real fucked up stunt she pulled tonight, we all know that, but attacking her now just isn’t right. I’m not gonna let it happen.

B can take it anyway she likes it, but I’m not leaving this house until I’m sure that Dawn is okay. The pills and whisky crap didn’t work, I’m kinda guessing that sitting in the park alone was another veiled attempt at ending it all and that didn’t work… I just wanna make sure that she isn’t looking for third time lucky.

I tap lightly on the door with my foot and only wait seconds for it to be thrown back. It’s Red. She doesn’t even look at me, turns her eyes straight to Dawn, tries to take her in her arms.

“Hey Sweetie, are you ok? What happened?”

Dawn wouldn’t let herself be taken though, just dipped her head forward and hid her answer beneath her masses of long brown hair. I answered for her, I knew it was my place to.

“She’s ok, a little worn out…” I made my way through the door, Willow stepping aside without even giving it a thought. I noticed that, it made me a little happy. “…I’m gonna take her up to her room…”


I was trying to forget about her. She followed me through the door, the two boys in leather right behind her. It only took two steps for her to be up in my space.

“We’re home now Faith, thank you for helping, really… but uh, you can go now, I’ve got this.”

She was putting this perky little expression on her face, stood there in front of her sister who was literally falling to pieces and she was trying to dismiss me with perky? I figured it was finally time to say something. To stand up and make the point I had come here to make. I was sick of being confused by her, missing my point because of her. I turned to Dawn first, slid my arm from her shoulders and searched out her eyes.

“Go upstairs kiddo, I’ll be up in a minute, I wanna talk to you, okay..?”

She bit on her lower lip, her shining eyes red rimmed as she nodded her head. She didn’t look to the others, just silently trod her way up the stairs. I turned back to Buffy, it was time she remembered what it was like to see the steel in MY eyes. Hear the disappointment in my tone.

“In case you didn’t get it B, I’m not going anywhere…” She went to speak, I held up my hand. “…just shut up and listen, it’s about time you heard this.”

The peroxide vamp dared again to try and find my space, this time I didn’t let him, the door was still open and I helped him though it. She didn’t need this thing to stick up for her, I wanted to hear her words, her excuses.

He tried to come back in and I gave him a look which I knew was fierce. I had been keeping it locked up for ages, but now I was swimming close to the edge. Just the whole fucking vibe from this piece of shit was making me wanna get stake happy. “You better tell your playmate to fuck off B, the only way he comes back in here tonight is as a pile of dust.”

Oh it was a battle of wills! She stared her hatred at me and I just stared at her. I didn’t have hatred, so I gave her nothing. Nothing must be worse then hate cos it was me that eventually won out.

“Spike, go home.” There was no warmth to her tone and that threw me as well. One minute I figure she’s his..? I dunno, buddy? And the next she’s as fucking frosty to him as she is to me. He glared at her, sneered at her.

“I’ll be seeing you, Slayer.”

Did he not know her name?

The other freak in leather was still standing there still looking nervous. I didn’t know what to do with him, didn’t have a clue who the fuck he was. “Hey, you?”

He looked up, couldn’t meet my eyes properly. “Uh, yeah?”

“You think you can find your way home?” He went to nod and then he stopped, drew in a breath.

“I’m a little scared really, could I uh… stay here for a while?”

Give me a break. I looked at Red, motioned to the boy. “Can you fix him a drink? Take him through to the kitchen, I wanna have a quick word with Buffy.”

I looked at them two looking at each other, saw B give Willow the silent nod, the assurance that it was ok to go. “Hey there… I’m Willow…” She smiled the quirky smile and babbled through an introduction. He was all attention as he followed her from the room, in fact it was kinda creepy the way he was looking at her, like he was observing her. Odd.

“So you’ve worked your way back into my home, into my life… isn’t this the bit where we find out that you’re really psycho? When you start killing people?”

Oh good, it was gonna be easy. Ha fucking ha.

“Past mistakes B, this ain’t about that and you know it…” I made my way to the sofa, took my own invitation to sit down. I gestured at her to do the same, she stayed standing. “…you’re the one that’s fucking up this time, and luckily for you I’m here to help.”

The look she gave me almost had me doubting it myself. It did sound kinda farfetched I guess. It’s the hanging with Angel, I’m all about the helping now.

“I don’t want your help.”

“You know that you need it.”

“I know I don’t need anything from you.”

I tried to think about a nice way to phrase it, but there wasn’t one, isn’t one. “So why did Dawn try to kill herself then B? If things are doing so well without my help?”

Now she sat down. Sank down. I wasn’t gonna let it deter me this time though. I had made my eyes empty for this, I planned on keeping them that way. “Sit up, I’m sick of all this self pity crap.”


“Exactly what I said B. Sit the fuck up, I want you to listen to me. I listened to you earlier… now you listen to me.”

Her brows knotted a little in confusion as she sat herself up, maybe wondering why she was doing as I said. “I don’t wanna get all touchy feely, this isn’t me getting in your shit, I don’t care about your shit, your little sob story…” It felt harsh, but honest. “…this is about the kid upstairs, the one you’re supposed to love, supposed to care about.”

“I do love her.”

“Touching.” No, really, the emotion was uh… not there. “Only thing is B, with love… you kinda need to show it.”

“What the hell would you know?”

I knew enough to know what happened when you didn’t show it. When you denied it. “I know that at the moment your little sister is probably sat upstairs planning her next method of topping herself…”


“Yes. Face it B, whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it wrong.”

She wiped at her eyes with her arm, dragged it across her face. Unveiled some fresh contempt. “You just love this don’t you?”


“Getting to come here all holier then thou… acting like you’re better then me…” She shot a look of pure filth down her nose in my direction, stifled a faked laugh. “…as if ‘you’ could ever be better then me?”

Her glare was all encompassing and I could feel it prickling my senses. Reminding me of all the misdeeds and pain I had caused. I opened my mouth to speak, to shout her down, make my point, but my mouth was dry. Different words croaked out, words I didn’t want.

“I know you’re better then me, ok? I get that… I always got that.” Who’s was this voice that sounded so pathetic? I mentally kicked myself, pulled it all together. “But aside from that? No… I hate this. I hate that Dawn feels so damn bad and I can’t make her feel better, I hate that I have to be here, away from my friends with people that despise me… and I hate that I have to be near you again.” It slipped out a whisper, she’d never understand why. “None of this is a pleasure for me, the sooner it’s sorted the better for everyone.”

She stood herself up, started pacing the front room. Her thumb was up to her mouth and I wondered if she was chewing a nail, her nerves hurting her as much as mine were hurting me. It was the intensity again. I swear it was always there. She stopped with her back towards me, her words filling the space between us.

“I wish you could see, wish you could understand what it’s like, how much it hurts…” She wasn’t talking to me, so much as at me. “…every second feels like an hour of pain and I try to smile… to laugh… I try to care…” Her voice was creeping down in volume and I had to strain to hear her confession. “…but it’s so hard.” Now she turned, her eyes falling into mine. “I do love her Faith, I know I do… of course I do, but it’s so much… being with her, everything she wants from me, needs from me… it’s too much. I haven’t got it to give, I haven’t got anything to give.”

I stood up, I couldn’t help it. I walked towards her, slowly. A part at me wanted to scream down her selfishness, force her to feel. But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I knew how this was gonna go, but I had to do it… whether to prove it to myself again, or just because my heart was telling me to. Her eyes weren’t deterring me with disgust so I pushed forward, tucked the hair behind her ear… like I meant to earlier. She didn’t flinch, so I spoke.

“It’ll be okay, things are crap, I know crap B… but more then that I know about getting better, about second chances…” Her head slowly started shaking, dislodging her hair, covering her eyes again. “…don’t do that, don’t shake your head, don’t just dismiss me.”

“I can’t listen to you Faith, I can’t believe in you.”

“You mean you won’t?”

“I mean I can’t.” The way she was looking at me, I believed her. I backed up, left her some space.

“Let me help with the Kid B, let me talk to her… let me be around her without it causing some kind of major conflict between us…” She looked doubtful, I felt it. “…I’m not saying buddy me up, I’m saying let’s not fight in front of Dawn, just let me be here. Please?”

“You really think you can help?”

“I really think I can help.”

For a moment there was some silence, some consideration. When she spoke again I knew I was in. It wasn’t warm but it wasn’t cold. It wasn’t the same old steel.

“If you can get her to see her counsellor, if you can do that… then fine. I’ll… what? Back off? Is that what you want?”

“This isn’t about what I want B…” I wanted to keep all those thoughts far far away. “…but yeah, a little less hostility, that’s gotta be nice.”

“You get her to see the counsellor then I’ll… ‘work’ on less hostility.”

I had to let out a little laugh, just the way she said it… like it was the most painful thing in the world. Ever. “Oh come on B, it won’t be all bad…” I let the eyebrows out to play, she inspired it in me. “…we can find some fun.”

“Not working Faith… I’m still feeling hostile.”

“Not even a little bit?” I wiggled them again, gave her the smile, the dazzling one. “Cos you look a little less… hostile.”

She shook her head at me, but it was different, not so much disgust as amusement. I quit whilst ahead, I knew my limits. “I’m gonna go up then, talk to her… try and find out what’s going on.”

She did sigh a bit but she also nodded, sat down on the sofa. “I’ll wait here for you, you can tell me how it goes.”

I headed up the stairs with only one thought in my mind. Getting Dawn to that counsellor. I wanted Buffy to work at less hostile, I liked it. And I wanted Dawn to learn to smile a bit more too… maybe a counsellor would help? I wasn’t much for them, but Dawn was smarter then me, maybe she could get something from it. Solve some problems.


I gave a little tap on the door and made my way in. She was on the bed in foetal position, I guess looking for the comfort she’d lost since her family hadn’t been there to hold her in their arms. I wanted to break down for her, to make her know that I really did understand her pain, comforting arms hadn’t often held me either.

I wanted to change that for her, to give her the thing I always needed the most.

“Hey kid..?” She looked up, her face blotchy with the truth of how much she was hurting. I sat down next to her, drew her into my arms and held her tight. Held her close. “Come on now, it’s not so bad… it’ll all be okay, you just gotta give it time.”

It felt so strange. To have someone needing me, relying on me. It made me want to do my best, to be what she needed. I held her close until her cries had faded, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

“You feel better for that?”

“A little, not a lot. My nose is kinda runny now.”

I looked down at my shoulder and noticed the marks from her tears and I guess also her snot. “You know that’s gross?”

She nodded, shot me a look to say ‘what can ya do?’ I didn’t even bother protesting, my shoulders were there for her anytime. I wanted her to know that. Snot or no snot.

I wriggled myself into some comfort on the bed and got ready to talk. I hadn’t pushed with Dawn since I’d been here, had been happy to do what she wanted, to talk about the things which she needed to talk about. But where had that gotten us?

Dawn playing bait in the park after hours. Not a success story.

It was time I took the lead, asked some tough questions, demanded some straight answers. Dawn had to learn that to make things better you had to try yourself. You couldn’t rely on other people to make it better for you… sure, they can help, Angel is all the proof needed on that… but ultimately it has to be a personal choice. You have to want to make it better, be ready to work at it.

I felt so bad. My crap was mostly my fault, I’d had pushes in the wrong direction… but it was my fault. Dawn was here through no fault, yet still she would have to work just as hard to make it right.

Her eyes were focused on me, studying me as I studied my thoughts. I wondered if she was waiting for me to start talking, but then she chose to speak first. “I know you’re pissed at me Faith, I know I screwed up again… and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done it, it was stupid.”

“Yeah. It was damn stupid, pretty irresponsible as well… but it’s done now. I’m not gonna chew you out, act like I know better… I just wanna know why? You promised Dawn, you said you wouldn’t do that again…”

“I wasn’t!”

“What?” Sure she was. “You want me to believe that you sitting after dark waiting for some hot sucking action wasn’t another… ‘end it all’… attempt?”

“No!” She looked kinda confused by my theory, but to me it still made sense. “I was just… I wanted to, I wanted Buffy to come and find me.”

“You’re kidding me?”

“I swear…” Her head was nodding all vigorously, adamant in her explanation. “…I wasn’t trying that… I don’t want that. Not anymore.”

“Fuck.” She really had some dumb ideas. “That’s gotta be the stupidest damn way I’ve ever heard of getting attention… well, you know… aside from going evil and killing people… but sitting alone after dark? That’s kinda messed up too.”

“I know.” her eyes spoke the confirmation. “Just with Buffy… I feel like I have to go big, the little things sail right by.” She shrugged her shoulders. “She never notices me.”

I thought back over the words that B had given me downstairs. Tried to pull comfort from them to give to Dawn, but there wasn’t any. Dawn needed her and she didn’t feel like she could give. I didn’t have a clue how I was gonna be doing all this helping that I planned on doing.

I went with the best I had. All I had. “She loves you Dawn, and I know at the moment it’s not enough… I know you need more, but you just gotta take that and cling to it.” I tried to make my words have feeling, to convey what I knew. “When someone’s in so much pain that they forget how to feel, how to care… you can’t push them, you can’t force them to feel things that they’re not ready to feel, to deal with things that they‘re not ready to deal with. Just know that she loves you, that she wants to get better.” She had tears streaming from her eyes again, I reached up and wiped them away, cleared a path for fresh ones. “I wish I could make this better for you.”

She nodded again, no vigour now. “So do I.”

The heart that I used to doubt I had was breaking in two. I’d do anything to make this right. Her words when they came were pleading for answers.

“I just don’t get it… I don’t get why she’s so different. What I did so bad that makes her not care.” She looked at me with questioning eyes. “Do you think it’s the dying..? I think it is… I think she regrets it, I think she wishes it was me that had gone… that she made the wrong choice.”

“God no!” She deflated with my refusal of her words. Like she wanted me to confirm it, because then she would know. Would understand what she had done wrong. “Shit kid, come here.”

I took her again in my hold, rocked her as I said words to rebut everything she believed. All the reasons she would think that Buffy wished it was her who had died. I may have witnessed the pain that Buffy was in, seen for myself her own inner turmoil, but never did I get the impression that she wished she hadn’t done things as she had. She only regretted coming back. Not the going.

“Your sisters the most courageous fucking person I ever met Dawn, there’s no way she’d ever give up all that damn heroism to do things different, are you kidding me?”

She giggled a little. “She does like her super hero moments.” She pulled herself then up from my embrace, crossed her legs and started to talk. “She pretends she’s all martyr-girl… but you should hear her sometimes, she goes on and on and on about this time and that time, saving this person and that person… I know the ins and outs of ALL her apocalypses…”

Yeah I could see that. ‘Buffy the saint’ tormenting Dawn with tales of her heroism. I bet it’s damn tough being Miss Perfect’s little sister. “Exactly what I’m saying! Forget that she’s a bit…” I wanted to say vacant, thought about saying blonde. “…uh… distant right now, just remember the good times… make HER remember the good times.”

She sighed a sigh. “I wish mom was here.”

Often I forget just how much she is dealing with. I wonder where she finds her strength. I was a slayer and I never had her strength, never dealt with anything as well as she was doing now.

“I wish your mom was here too, she’d probably have kicked my ass by now, worse then B even… but yeah, your mom would’ve sorted this shit out. Better then I can.”

“At least you’re trying.”

“I have to, I gotta a whole lot of making up to do.”

The way she had started looking at me now made me nervous. Peering in at me with eyes as inquisitive as Buffy’s. “What happened Faith?”

My insides tied their own knots as I considered that one. What happened? Everything happened. My life happened.

“You were there…” I checked my memories and sure enough, she was there. Fucking strange. “…you know what happened. I went bad. I WAS bad.”

“I didn’t mean that… I mean, what happened, before that? What made you go bad?”

What did she want, a debate on nature versus nurture? I was always a fuck up, I perfected it young, I had a lot of time on my hands. “Some things just are what they are, no point dwelling, it’s not what they are now.”

“Why won’t you tell me?”

“Nothing to tell kid.”

She got the pout, I felt myself weakening. “Look, my life story ain’t nothing to go getting excited about ok?”

“But you know MY life story!”

“You’re two years old!”

“Ha! Actually I’m WAY older then that, I was green blobby energy stuff for AGES! In fact I’m way older then you… all of you! So spill…” She grinned as if she thought she had some triumph. “…you tell me your story and I’ll fill you in on being a ball of energy… it’s fascinating stuff.”

How could I not laugh?

I thought about a way to turn it, to make it benefit me to lay it all out. I hated doing that shit, talking about crap that no-one could change. What was the fucking point? It was times I wanted to forget, not fucking share and care about.

“I’ll make you a deal…” She was all rapt attention. “…I’ll tell you my pointless story of existence, you go see that counsellor that B’s got a flea up her ass about. Yeah?”

She narrowed her eyes with a look of mock anger. “That sucks! But… k, deal.”

I held my hand out for her to shake on it. As she did she spat on her hand, welded them together with yet more of her secretions. This kid had issues. “Do I gotta tell you that’s gross?”

She smiled a satisfied smirk. “Nope, you just gotta tell me the ‘Faith’ story. We spat on it.”

I didn’t bother with making myself comfortable before I began, I knew that the words I would be speaking were the kind that made me uncomfortable. Just meet it head on, that’s the only way I could do it.

“So what do ya wanna know?”

“Well… what happened to your mom?” Damn it Dawn! No need to go straight for the jugular. “Did she die too… like my mom?”

I tried to find any similarity between what Dawn had lost and what I had lost. There wasn’t any. I never had what she had had. I tried to keep my voice steady, to take away any feelings. I was prepared to share a little with Dawn, but I wasn’t about to break down doing it.

“No… nothing like yours. Your mom was ace, the fucking best.” I couldn’t stop the bitter laugh that crept from my lips. “Mine was the worst, real bottom of the barrel shit.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No need, she was sorry enough for all of us.” I lay down across her bed, focused my eyes up to that place far away, not here, long ago. “She wasn’t like the bad mom’s ya see on TV, she didn’t beat me all the time and shit, she didn’t shout and curse all day… to me it was worse then that.”

I remembered the times when I would go for days without being spoken to, see nothing in my mothers eyes that made me feel loved. “She just stopped caring, figured I wasn’t worth taking the time on…” I felt that small again, that pointless. “…so I started acting out, giving her a reason to notice me. I’d steal shit, ran with a bad crowd, fucked about with boys, dropped outta school… nothing made a difference though. Bitch wouldn’t have cared if I’d just upped and died.”

“What about your dad?”

“What about him? He walked out on us, nothing different to most kids, nothing different to you.”

“So you had no-one? The whole time?”

“Hard to miss what ya never had kid…” I gave one of those sighs, I was getting used to them now. “…and I had a few buddies, a few guys that looked out for me. It did.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah. And then she died. Dunno what happened, I wasn’t there, I stopped going home all the time… there wasn’t any point. I could always find a willing bed to stay in, some shit to eat… meant I didn’t have to remind myself what home wasn’t like.” I can still see the woman that was waiting back at our place, I went for clothes, she told me that I was going with her. Foster care. Like fuck. “They tried to take me in, put me in some placement with a nice family, but I forgot how to do nice… I was all badass and loving it.”

“Where did you go?”

“Nowhere, everywhere. Laid low, got high, got laid. Got called. End of.”

I sat up, this was doing my head in. Playing confessions with a kid wasn’t my idea of fun, I’d given her enough to make the deal stick. I’d done what I had to do. That was all. No more. I could feel my own eyes stinging from the want of release, but I wouldn’t allow it. I wouldn’t cry for that time, any of it. It was old and done.

She didn’t look satisfied though, looked annoyed at me for trying to end it there. “But what about then, when you got here… with Buffy, tell me about you and Buffy?”

“Me and Buffy..?”

“Yeah, I don’t get the aggro… I mean I get it now, she really was pissed at the body snatch and killing thing… but why before that?”

“You’ve got way too many questions for a kid.”

“Inquisitive minds are the minds of the future.” I gave her a look. “It’s true, the principle says it at the end of every assembly. It’s inspiring.”

“Well go get inspiration somewhere else, I’m all out of stories.”

“But Buffy NEVER tells me the juice on that one, never did… all I get is the Faith rap sheet, tell me what happened, why it happened?”

“The deal wasn’t that, I’m not the one looking for a counsellor.” She looked disappointed, I looked firm. “No Dawn, and don’t bother with the pout. If I ever wanna talk about that shit it’ll be with Buffy… and I won’t ever wanna talk about that shit, ok?”



“Am not.”

“Are too.”


The light tapping at the door stopped it from descending into anything childish. It was Willow. She smiled that little smile that was all hers. Directed it strangely at me. “Faith, Dawnie…” She came in and sat with us on the bed, it was getting kinda crowded. “…you guys all talked out then?”

Uh… how did she know that? I gave her a look, saw that she had listened. I shook my head, tutted disgust. “That’s low Red.”

Dawn just gave us a confused look, Willow offered apology. “Wait… I wasn’t, I didn’t… I just checked you weren’t talking about anything before I knocked, but you were… so I waited. But I didn’t listen. I just kind of… heard?”

“Great, wanna give me a hug and say it’s all ok, tell me it’s cool I’m a fuck up cos my childhood went to shit?”

“No… I didn’t…”

“Save it Red, doesn’t matter anyway, it’s in the past.”

She gave me a look I didn’t want. I hated trading on sympathy, it made me feel weak. I glared in return, made sure she understood the message.

She rose from the bed and kissed Dawn on the top of the head. “I love you sweetie, you know that right?”

The kid to her credit nodded. She dealt with sentiment a whole lot better then me. “I love you too Willow, thanks.”

“No thanks needed, you’re kinda easy to love.”

I forgave her then for being an eavesdropping ass. We were on the same side. When she turned her attention back to me I smiled at her, let her know I was over it.

“Buffy’s waiting downstairs, I’m hitting the sack…” She turned again as she went to close the door on us. “…this might not mean much, but I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled again. “You’re not so bad.”

I guess I looked at her confused. I was confused. “Right. Uh… thanks.”

When the door clicked closed I stared at Dawn in amazement. “I’m not so bad..? Did I just hear Red say I’m not so bad..?”

“Yep… that’s two down.”


“I’m keeping score… we’ve still got Xander and Anya, but they’re easy, just talk about weddings…” Weddings? What did I know about weddings? “…and sex, Anya loves the sex talk!”

“She talks to you about sex?” Who was this woman?

“No, not me specific, she talks to EVERYONE about sex.”

“And she’s with Xander? She must dig a different kinda sex to me, either that or the boy has learned some.”

Her laughter made me realise that was probably inappropriate conversation. I tried back peddling. “Not that he wasn’t a stallion… ya know, big ol’ Xander, stud muffin. Completely.”

I guess that wasn’t so good either.

“Don’t tell Anya that, she’ll think that you want him again!”

Oh please. “No way Dawn, I do sit ups these days when I’ve got a spare seven minutes.”

She laughed again, I cringed again. I wanted to shut up now. “Enough!” She just laughed harder.

“Come on Dawn, B will think we’re having a party she if hears your noise, the fun stuff will just piss her off.” She raised her eyebrows in dismay.

“But pissing her off is what I do, I thought you knew that?”

“No Dawn, pissing her off is what ‘I’ do… you need to stop doing it.”

The laughter from a minute ago was replaced by sombre silence. “I know, I wanna stop it… but sometimes it’s just easier, to act out, to get attention.”

“You know I know, but trust me… being good is much better. You try good and see where it gets us, ok?”

“Being bad isn’t working out so well, I could give it a try.”

“It will be better, I promise.”

Now I just had Buffy to work on. Daunting to say the least. I wanted a fucking badge from Angel if I managed to pull all this shit off. I could see her eyes getting weary rather then sad. “Get to bed kid, I’ll go tell B I got you to agree to a counsellor, should ease her off you a bit… me as well I hope.”

“Okay… night then.”

I stood up, ruffled her hair the way she hated it. “Night you, sleep tight and all that crap.”

“You really need to work on that.”

I shrugged my shoulders, I was trying. “Sweet dreams?”

“Thank you.”

I gave her a wink as I closed the door. Took a deep breath as I prepared to face Buffy. I hated the way that days in Sunnydale always seemed so much longer. The drama in them enough for a lifetime, let alone just a day.

I trod softly on the stairs, mindful of the late hour and the quiet in the house. The glow from the TV accentuated my slayer sight and I could see the shadows as they bounced across her peaceful features.

I eased my way over and softly took the remote from her grasp, I should of guessed she’d hog the thing, even in her sleep. I didn’t know whether to wake her. I wanted to see her eyes as they opened on me, to see them before they remembered me. I didn’t wanna force that moment of intimacy though. I’d made a habit of taking things from her, I didn’t ever want to take from her again.

I switched the box off, plunging the room into a darkness that I still had no trouble negotiating, I reached across her and grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa. Shook it out and lay it over her. Her hair had fallen back across her eyes a little and I couldn’t resist, had to have one undisturbed moment of looking at her wholly, totally, without any of the shit.

My gaze was stuck on her as I whispered a silent prayer for my feelings to go away. It wasn’t right that it still felt like this. I couldn’t take things still feeling like this. Even with all the things I had taken from her… it just didn’t sit fair that she had taken my heart. Anything else but that.

I wanted to trace lips with fingers, to make smiles with touches. I didn’t though, of course I didn’t. I whispered words I truly meant. For both of us.

“Sweet dreams.” I kissed the tips of my fingers and placed them against her forehead. Hoped that somewhere away from everything she felt it, knew that I meant it.

I left there and sped my way home. There wasn’t much night left to have time on my own, to drink, to forget. I smiled at the knowledge that Angel would be up, would probably be sat alone wondering at his own life. His own existence. We made a happy pair.

I dialled the number and listened to two rings.

“Hello Faith.”

“Hey big guy… the psychic powers still working for ya then?”

Of course it was me, who else would it be? I liked to get a dig in though, there was a certain psychic power that I knew he was interested in. It was called Cordy.

I listened to the tones in his voice, his words spoke with quiet wisdom. They lulled me, they made me feel safe.

We kept our vigil for each other until the sun started to rise. Talked away the darkness that often haunted us both. Saying goodbye was hard. I really did miss his presence.

“Thanks for the chat, I mean it… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“It works both ways Faith, you give as much as you get.” He always said that, it was hard to think that he relied on me too though. It was odd.

Once the call was through I went to my bed and sank myself down. I wanted sleep. But most of all I wanted the sweet dreams.


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