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Chapter Four

"Jesus Christ Eddie! Already got the okay to just hang here, so what's the fucking..."

"Whoa, don't shoot the messenger. Just came to tell you you've got a visitor."

Faith shot off her bunk.

"Soulboy finally showed?"

"I don't think so. The word I got is that it's a woman."

Faith could feel the fear rushing through her, but she did her best not to let it show.

"A woman?"

"Yeah. They didn't give me a name, but if you want I can..."

"I know who it is."

"You okay?"

"Five by five. Let's motor."

She went first with the guard following close behind, standard prison protocol. They didn't make their usual small talk, Faith was way too busy thinking and Eddie could sense the tension she was feeling. She looked just like she always did, but her mind was racing.

It had to be bad news, what other reason would Cordelia have for visiting her? Angel was in trouble...what if he'd been dusted? What if he was gone for good?
He hadn't been by or called or even written in over two months. No one answered when she called, and none of her messages had been returned by anyone. She knew no fucking way this could be anything good.

As she waited to clear all the locked doors between her cell and the visiting room, Faith was sure she was going nuts. Not "Old Faith" violent psycho nuts, just the standard regulation total complete fucking freak-out. He could not be dust.

It seemed to take forever, but when she finally got there, she felt her legs trying to buckle. All she wanted was to run back to the safety of her cell and pretend she didn't know Cordelia was waiting for her.

"Number twenty."


"You're at number twenty...You okay?"

"Fine, thanks."

All the way to the end in the corner...She wasn't sure she was going to be able to make it that far without collapsing to the floor. She knew it wouldn't do her reputation any good if she fell down screaming and bawling, so she forced herself to suck it up.

She started walking then, her mind trying its best to talk her through what was coming. Angel wasn't dead, just busy. Reason Cordelia had come by was because she suddenly wanted to be pals, not because she was bringing bad news.

Besides, it probably wasn't even Cordelia waiting for her. It could be that Fred chick Angel talked about. Maybe she'd made some big scientific breakthrough and just had to share her excitement with a murdering psycho convict, or maybe the Avon lady had come to...B.



Buffy Summers was sitting on the other side of the glass looking so out of place, she might as well have been dancing naked on the moon. She had a nasty gash running down the left side of her face, and she looked tired as hell. To a stranger her eyes looked just like they always did, confident and determined, but while not a friend, Faith wasn't a stranger either. She could see Buffy was afraid, like something had her spooked.

Faith sat down in her chair and tried not to squirm as her stunning orange jumpsuit immediately began fighting its way up her ass crack. She lifted the phone on her side and waited for Buffy to speak, but Buffy just sat there staring. Finally she seemed to clue into the fact that she had to pick up the phone on her side, and she did.

The first noise Faith heard was Buffy clearing her throat, and then for the next minute there was no noise at all.

"Only give me twenty minutes B. Might wanna get to it, yeah?"

Again with the throat clearing, but this time it was followed by actual words, or word:


Then that was it for another couple of minutes. Faith figured she should get the ball rolling, obviously something big was going down and Buffy was having all kinds of issues.

"So, huge surprise here. What's the occasion?"




"Buffy, what's wrong?"

"We need help."

"From me?"


"This has gotta be the shocker of all-time."

"I guess maybe it is from your viewpoint."

"Thinking from anybody's viewpoint. What's it been now, two years?"


"Get my letters?"


"Can't say the same."

"...I never wrote back."

"Get my invites?"


"Couldn't make it even once?"


"See how we all gotta call it a shocker?"


"Okay despite how it sounds, not trying to rub your nose in anything. Don't blame ya a bit, it's all on me and I get that. So let's just get to what you're doing here."




"Gotta spit out at least the basics. Can't help if I don't have a clue."

"I need you."



"Still here. Just went someplace else with that for a sec."

Buffy's face went beet red, and her eyes stared down at the floor. She looked even more uncomfortable than she had just a minute ago, not an easy feat to accomplish.

"Sorry, side effect of all women for two years. Ya get used to that kinda...Ah, who the fuck am I trying to kid? Guess I was just trying to wind ya up a little, you know how I am...Anyway, what's the what B?"

"It's bad and it's complicated."

"Sorry to hear that, but you're the Slayer on duty. I'm just the fucked up murderer who can't be trusted."

"I know who you are."

"So then what are we playing at here?"

"We're not playing, at least I'm not."

"What am I supposed to do? Case it's slipped your mind, I'm doing twenty-five to life. Could say I'm kinda booked for a while."

"I know your sentence."

"Was your request."


"So? Don't tell me you're one of them fickle chicks. Can't just change your mind when it comes to prison."

Buffy held up her hand, placing it right against the glass:

"See this ring?"

"Yeah, sure can't figure it as your style."

"If I break it, no one will ever remember I was here, no one except you."

"Gotcha a 'Red Special' then."


"Nice, but 'fore you take this any further, ya oughta know they listen in and tape these conversations."

"Their system went down right before I got here, video too. We've still got a few minutes."

"Wow, really worth her weight."

"I'm driving my mom's jeep. It's parked right below that window."

"Primo spot."

"I'm going to say this, and then I'm going to leave: We're in trouble and we need your help. It can't wait until you and I sort things out and it can't wait twenty-five to life. It has to be right now. When I clear the last locked door, I'm going to smash this ring and wait five minutes. They'll know you've escaped and I'm sure they'll come after you. Will thinks she can keep you safe, but I can't offer you any guarantees."

Buffy looked her right in the eye then, and as Faith stared back, she knew what was coming.

"Please Faith, I need you."

And with that, Buffy hung up her phone and walked out. Faith sat watching her until she was out of sight, then let out a loud sigh. She knew her decision was already made.

She was a model prisoner, and thanks to the part she'd played in squashing a deadly riot, she was up for way early parole in less than two years. Save the lives of a buncha guards, and even the warden becomes a big fan. The guards develop some major appreciation too, and it was all to the good.

The other prisoners respected or feared her, and she had no beefs with anyone. Prison didn't get any better than she had it, and all she had to do was stick it out for twenty-two more months. She could do that standing on her head.

The warden's big brother was the governor, and with that kind of clout behind her, well she was going to go free and clear. Sins punished, slate scrubbed clean. For the first time in her life she was going to get the chance to make something good for herself. She was going to get a shot at a real life.

If she left, all of that would be over. If they caught her, she'd definitely be serving the "life" part of her sentence. There'd be no chance of parole, no back-up from the warden, no finding the good side with any of the guards, not after making fools out of them. The rest of her life would be spent in a living hell, and there'd be no reprieve, not ever.

There were just some things she couldn't risk, not even for Buffy. Hell, there were some things Buffy didn't even have the right to ask for...So far, Faith hadn't come across any of those things.

She stood up and jumped through the unbreakable glass. There were three guards and she took care of them as gently as she could, then smashed her way through the window that led to the parking lot. She fell two stories and landed on the hood of the jeep, denting it slightly with the force of her impact. She rolled off and was on the backseat floor in less than five seconds.

Buffy never said a word as she casually headed for the exit. She looked perfectly calm, like she didn't have an on the run murderer in her car.

"How we gettin' through?"


The gate swung open, startling the two guards sitting inside the gatehouse. The jeep blew past as if invisible and they were already clear before the guards could even make it to their feet. Then the sirens suddenly began blaring out the news that a prisoner had escaped, and the guards turned away from nothing and began locking down the area.

Buffy kept driving, and soon they were out of sight and cruising down a side road.

"Some wicked ass mojo B. These clothes for me?"

"Yeah. Sorry there's no leather."

"Long as it's not orange, I'm feelin' it."

After a few minutes filled with a lot of grunting and groaning, interrupted only by some incredibly descriptive swearing, Faith landed in the front seat with her new outfit more or less in place. She was holding another bag and grinning.

"Guessing the pizza and beer's all me too?"


"Cool! Thanks B."

"Maybe you'd better not thank me until I've explained just what I've gotten you into."

"Gotta tell ya, any shit's worth it for this beer."

They were quiet then, the only sound the noise Faith made as she devoured her food. It didn't take long for her to polish it off, and when she was done she sat back with a loud and satisfied sigh:

"Man, was that good."



"Thank you."

There was silence again, both Slayers facing forward as they stared out through the windshield.

"...Still can't resist ya Blondie. Guess some shit's never gonna change."



They took their time getting back to Sunnydale, they had no other choice. A multitude of roadblocks had begun popping up, and they were forced to follow a rather convoluted route home. Thankfully Willow had been able to tap into the network of police computers, and by keeping in close contact with her, they were so far able to avoid detection.

At first the search had been concentrated on the area immediately surrounding the prison but when Faith didn't turn up, the police assumed that she had somehow acquired a ride. The search perimeter had expanded quickly and it made things somewhat tricky for the Slayers. A trip that normally took two hours was now well into its sixth, with many more yet to come.

Buffy had been prepared for the long trip home, and she had lots of food and drink stashed in coolers in the jeep's cargo area. With Willow's blessing, they decided to pull off and enjoy an impromptu picnic. They drove down a seemingly deserted country lane and found an overgrown and secluded spot.

It didn't take long to unload the jeep and spread a blanket, and soon they were digging into a delicious meal. They ate in total silence, and it wasn't until they were lazing in the shade that Faith finally spoke up:

"B, don't we gotta talk?"

"Yes, I suppose we do."

They were silent again

"Want me to lead it off?"

"Sure, okay."

"Right...Okay, how come you came and got me?"

"I thought I already explained that. Things couldn't be any worse and..."

"Yeah, I got that. Way obvious another Slayer in the mix can only help. But that's not what I'm getting at. How do ya know you can trust me? What makes you think I won't do just what I did before?"

"Is that what you're planning to do?"

"No, them days are long gone. But you got no way of knowing..."

"I'm not exactly sure how to answer you Faith. I could say that I'm still mad at you, that I still want you to pay for everything you did, and I think I have the right to feel that way. But that's not how I feel, it hasn't been for a while now."

"Wanna explain?"

"Not really, but I guess I owe you at least that much."

Buffy didn't say anything for a few moments as she stared down at the blanket they were sitting on. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft and almost shy:

"I just never thought you'd stay."

"Ya mean in prison?"

"Yes. God, I was so positive you'd get bored with the guilt thing, then break out and...well let's just say I didn't think it would be pretty. But then time started passing and I finally had to admit that you were serious about making amends. Before I knew it, I just couldn't keep the anger going anymore. I knew how hard it had to be for you to stay there, but you just kept sticking it out."

"Asked ya how to make it better."

"Yes you did. I said 'jail' to Angel because I was pissed off. I had no idea you'd pay any attention to me."

Faith couldn't quite stifle her laugh.

"What's the joke?"

"Nothing. Never mind B."

"Well I am minding. I want to know, and if I'm not mistaken we're trying to clear the air here...right?"


"So to me, an important part of that is no more secrets."

"...Suppose that's right."

"Then tell me what's so funny."

"It's just that...I'm not sure it's the kinda thing you wanna hear."

“Maybe not, but I do know for sure I don't want you keeping things from me. That I'm positive about, so let's hear it."



"......Oh fuck...Okay B, I was laughing 'cause since the first second I saw you, I haven't done a thing except pay attention to you."

"Yeah, you were definitely all about wanting to hurt..."

"Not what I mean."

"Oh...Okay then, what do you mean?"

"...I was in love with you, and I guess it's not off the mark to say it drove me nuts. Everything I did was because of that. It's why I tried to kill Angel, it's why I went to the Mayor, and it's sure as hell why I went to jail when you said it."





"...But you're straight. I mean, you're the biggest liker of boys I've ever known."


"Then how could you...What are you saying to me?"

"Saying I fell for you when I met you. I'm saying everything I did, I did because I was in love with you. Most of it was sick and twisted for sure...I went nuts because I knew I could never have you, knew you'd never feel anything for me, least not what I wanted you to. So I went all evil and crazy, and the big joke was that you were still all I could think about."

"But you like guys."

"True enough, but I loved you. Can't explain it B, not even to myself. I just know it's true."

Buffy sat up, her anger beginning to build:

"So are you saying this has all been my fault?"

"Fuck no, all on me. Lots of people love people who don't love'em back, and they don't become murderers and shit. It wasn't you Buffy, it was me. Kind of a long ass story, maybe one day I'll get into it if you really wanna. For now don't think it matters, not with all of this other stuff going down."

"...Yeah, I guess."

"So I figure we..."

"You said 'loved'."

"Big surprise for ya, I know. But you don't need to worry about..."

"Past tense."

"...That's what I said, yeah."

"Does that mean you don't love me anymore?"

Now it was Faith's turn to study the blanket underneath her.


"Fuck, what do you wanna hear B?"

"The truth."

"Yeah, the truth...Ya know, life was going good for me, as good as it could go in the joint anyways. Figured to hit early parole in like twenty-two months, good behavior and shit like that. Guards treated me good, got all kinda special privileges...even had Warden Simmons backing me. But I fucked all of that over and I'm sitting here with you just because you said you needed me. What's that tell you?"

"It tells me that I want a direct answer. Do you still love me Faith?"

"Man...Yeah I do B, I absolutely do."

The silence stretched uncomfortably until Buffy found her voice:

"I'm not sure how to respond."

"Well, could say ya feel the same, take off all your clothes and fuck my brains out. That'd work for me."


"Jesus, I'm sorry Buffy. Guess I'm still a long ways from mature. I don't really wanna embarrass you anymore, just some asshole defense mechanism."


"Look, no reason this has gotta change anything. I'm here 'cause I wanna be. I just wanna help, and I got plenty to make-up for with you and the gang. Plus as crazy as it sounds, I like to do the right thing now just 'cause it's right. I'm a Slayer, a piss poor one so far, but I got a duty and I wanna do it. I don't expect a thing from you, not your love, not your trust, not even your best wishes."

Minutes passed with neither of them saying a thing.

"Got a bad sitch here and you need my help. Can give ya that B. I'm not gonna snap and go crazy again. Not gonna start playing games, not gonna try and kill your friends and lovers, and I sure as shit am not gonna side with the other guy this time around. This time I got your back, and I swear to you, I'll die before I let anything get the best of you. I promise Buffy."


They spent the next hour resting, mostly lost in their own thoughts. Buffy was the first to make a move, and she began quietly gathering and packing everything up. Faith joined in and the task was finished in just a few minutes.

She slammed the jeep's cargo door closed as Buffy pulled out her phone.

"I guess I'd better get the update from Will."

"Yeah, no sense gettin' nabbed 'fore we even get there."

Buffy punched the 'talk' button, but when the dial tone sounded, she pressed it off again.


"Yeah B?"

"I'm kind of stupid, aren't I?"

"Stupid? Not following."

"About you I mean. You didn't even really hide it, did you?"

"Got to a point where I couldn't. Doesn't mean you're stupid though, just means you're Buffy."

"I'm not sure I see the difference."

"Don't mean it's not there."

"I think maybe you're just being kind."

"Maybe, but when's that ever been my thing?"

Buffy couldn't stop the small smile that flitted across her face, and she couldn't stop the sudden warmth she felt as she looked at Faith.

"You listen to me now B. Ya can't see what you're not looking for, nobody can. Doesn't make ya stupid, that's just the way it is. So you missed that a psycho was head over heels for you, how's that your fault? Think about it, why would anybody be looking for that?"


"None of that matters anymore. What's important is that you hang onto who you are. There's nobody better than you, and that's just the way it is too. Nobody can beat ya B, not in the end...Now make your call so we can motor. I'm itching to kick this fucker's ass, how 'bout you Slayer?"



As they turned down Buffy's street, Faith tensed and began to fidget.

"Faith, it'll be fine. Everyone's grateful that you've come back."

"Maybe so. Still don't change shit."

"No, I suppose it doesn't. But right now, I don't think the past matters to any of us. What's going on right now is more than enough for us to worry about."

"Yeah, guess that's my break. Let's do it."

They entered the house to find everyone gathered around the dining room table, up to their ears in research. All conversation stopped the instant Faith stepped into view, and the silence lasted until Giles took charge:

"Faith, how very good of you to come."

He stood and approached her, at first offering his handshake, but then deciding on an awkward hug.

"Glad to be here."

Then all was quiet again, and although no one was outwardly glaring, no one looked exactly overjoyed either. It was Willow who made the next move. She hugged Buffy and then turned to Faith with what looked to be a sincere smile:

"You made it! It sure got hairy there for awhile, but once I accessed their central computer they didn't stand a chance."

"You were great Will. Did they..."

"Yep, first a warning call, then they dropped by. They offered to stakeout the house, but we told them we didn't think it was necessary. I guess they didn't listen though because there's an order in for drive-bys all night, and then a twenty-four undercover thing tomorrow."

"Shit, I'd better hightail it someplace else. No way will I be able to come and go if..."

"Oh no don't worry, I've got that covered. I'll just do a glamour and totally change your appearance. It won't be real, but you'll look totally different to them. To us and you, well you'll still be the same old Faith."

Willow looked sorry the second she said it, Faith looked guilty, and everyone else looked scared. Buffy had seen enough:

"Okay everyone, listen up. We all know Faith's last visit wasn't much fun for any of us, but that's in the past now. Here in the present, we need her and she wants to help. For what it's worth, I trust her completely, no doubts at all. So could we just stop with the super sensitivity crap and focus on what it is we need to do?"

Everyone murmured their agreement, everyone except Dawn. Instead she walked over and stood directly in front of Faith:

"I need more than that."

"I...Not sure what you're after Squ...Dawn."

"You hurt us all a lot. Now we need you and here you are. That's great, but I need to hear you promise that you won't betray us again. I need you to promise me Faith."

"Not gonna turn on you guys again."

Dawn just stood there staring into her eyes, and although she was incredibly uncomfortable, Faith forced herself not to look away.

"I give you my word, you can trust me this time."

"Okay then. Welcome home Faith."

"Thanks Dawn."

Dawn smiled:

"You mean 'Squirt'."

Faith's face lit up:

"Yeah I do."

"All right then, excellent. Now that we've laid the matter to rest, perhaps we should update Buffy and Faith as to our discoveries? From there, I suggest we proceed onward to drawing up our battle strategy."

Buffy pulled out a chair and sat down:

"Sounds good to me. Did you guys find out anything helpful?"

“Here Faith, take my chair. I'll grab one from the kitchen."

"Thanks Xander."

"While I'm in said area, I might as well grab us some snacks too. Who wants what?"

"Can't we just order something?"

"My God Dawn, you just ate a scant two hours ago."

"So? I'm hungry and I'm still a growing girl, you know."

"I'm with the Dawnster. Growing boy here too!"

"Now that's a relief. I've been planning to talk to you about your recent weight gain, but Willow said it was a touchy subject. It's great that you already know you're getting a little fat, that way I won't be the one responsible for hurting your feelings."

"...Thanks honey."

"Of course you're more than welcome, and boy, what a relief!"

Dawn was up now:

"Guys, come on! I'm practically starving to death!"

"Dawnie, maybe you could just make a sandwich or..."

"Oh God, that's so gross Willow! Faith, come on! You're always hungry, back me up here!"

"Well yeah, could go for some takeout. What about you B?"

"Hmm...I guess I could..."

"Why are you asking her?! You know she'll just say she wants a pukey non-fat yogurt. 'Scrawny the Vampire Slayer' is so not our friend when it comes to..."

"Hey, I am not scrawny! I'm pleasingly slim!"

"Whatever Buffy."

"And I love to eat! Can I help it if my Slayer metabolism..."

"Girls, please. We've a rather serious situation on our hands and we..."

"Fat Boy is voting for either pizza or subs. Mmm, maybe pizza and subs."

"Xander, I think that sort of attitude might be part of the problem. Maybe you should..."

"An, I'll diet tomorrow, okay? Right now I'm starving!"

"I mean, you're making it sound like I'm Karen Carpenter!"

"Who's she?"

"So not the point. The point is, I've got a perfectly healthy appetite and..."

"Well I'm not the one who said she just wanted yogurt."

"Neither am I! Did anyone hear me say that? No they did not. I was going to suggest we order..."

“Quiet! You may all order whatever you wish, my treat! Now may we please get back to the task before us?"

They all looked suitably ashamed.

"We're sorry Giles. Xander, you go order while Faith and I get the update. Okay, all business here, Slayers on duty."

"Yeah Xander, you'd better shake a leg before Scrawny gets mad!"

"Dawnie, I am going to..."

"Maybe you could catch me if you weren't so malnourished and...OW! Let go of me!"

"Not until you take it back!"

"Somebody help, Scrawny's gone crazy!"

Xander called out from the kitchen:

"Giles, check, cash, or charge?"

"Stop it! OW, now look what you made me do!"

"It's okay Buff, I think I remember the page numbers."

Xander called out again:


"What is it?!"

Buffy and Dawn were nearly wrestling as they squirmed around, and Willow was resolutely picking up the books they'd knocked to the floor in their ridiculous struggle.

"I need to know how you're paying!"

"...With my sanity, apparently. I shall be using money!"

"So, cash then?"

Anya yelled to Xander from the living room:

"Xander, find out if they honor the barter system!"

"Hiding behind Faith isn't going to help you."

"Xander, is money not considered cash in this country?"

"Gee, what's with all the sarcasm? I'm just asking."

"Could somebody bring a cracker or a rice cake to distract Scrawny?"

"OW! What the fuck ya hittin' me for B?!"

"Stop trying to protect her."

Willow was on her knees looking completely confused:

"Does anyone remember if this one was on 312 or 213?"

Giles stood up, clearly exasperated:

"I am now going to avail myself of the facilities..."

"Not trying to do shit! Squirt, will ya let go of me?!"

Xander walked back into the dining room:

"Food's on its way!"

"So, can we trade old diseased blankets for the food?"

"'Old diseased blankets'? Anya, what are you talking about?"

"...and when I return, I shall expect to find this..."

"OW!!! You're killing me!"

"You little liar, I barely touched you!"

"Well you fell asleep, which is to be expected as the obese have less energy."

"...childish behavior at an end."

"B, could ya let me up? Not really in this and...OW! Dawnie!"

"You stay put!"

"Now wait, I know this was on 132...123...something. Maybe a spell's the way to go here..."

"Anya, what does my being fat have to do with blankets?!"

"Well I saw this fascinating program in which your ancestors gave the Indians these old diseased blankets in exchange for valuable things."

"Of course I shall also expect the sun to begin orbiting the Earth as..."

"Where would we even find 'old diseased blankets'?"

Buffy yelped in pain from her spot in the three girl pile-up:

"OW! Stop pulling my hair!"

"Faith did it!"

"What?! No way do I do that girly shit!"

"...'cause the old-fashioned spelless way? Not too effective so far."

"...magical pixies arrive to tidy the house and do the wash."

"Hmm...that is a problem. Okay, technically I suppose they could just be old blankets."

"Hey, no tickling allowed...Barfy!"

"This from the dirty hair puller?!"

"Seriously guys, just wanna stand the fuck up here."

"An, we have to give them money for the food."

"Well what about ugly blankets? Buffy has several of those and..."

"Don't you wash your hair, Scrawny?"

"I am going to..."

"Of course I don't know any 'Turn Books Back to Their Marked Pages' spell anyway."

"OW! Watch it, willya B?!"

"Stop being such a big baby F."

"...we'd be doing her a favor if we got rid of them."

"Anya, stop with the blankets already!"

"No, I should be able to figure this out without magic. Okay, this one was definitely on 795...no, 975...shoot."

"Don't think I'm being a baby, just 'cause I wanna...Fuck, Squirt that hurts!"

Giles looked at the Slayer and her crack team:

"Bloody hell."



The Slayers patrolled that night but it was dead quiet, never a good sign.

"Fuck, this is a drag."

"I don't get it, maybe they're all girding their loins...That is such a strange word, 'gird'. I wonder where it..."

"No flights of fancy B. So what was your dream like anyhow? Know it was bad, but seems like it felt way real too."

"It did, but you know what Slayer dreams are like."

"Can't say I do. Far as I know, never had one."

Buffy stopped walking.

"What? What do you mean?"

Faith turned to face her:

"Mean I've never had one. Guess whoever's running the show isn't all that impressed with the job I been doing."


"Only good dreams I get are the sex kind. Wouldn't mind if some of those came true. Pretty sure I could handle that."

"That's so weird. Maybe it'll change now that you're all good and..."

"Whoa there! First thing is, no way am I all good. Might be able to swing fifty-fifty on a real bitchin' day. Second thing, based on the word of mouth, I don't want'em anyway. 'Specially not when they rattle you like this last one did. Can go right ahead and keep'em, no hard feelings."

Buffy let out a rueful laugh and started walking again.

"I guess I can't blame you there."

"So in your dream, you held out for like a year? Can't say I'm surprised, always were a tough little fucker. So what was the deal, you couldn't say some secret phrase?"


"The secret phrase deal, what was it again?"

"Oh, it was...it was, 'Principal Synder is a little'..."

"Nah, wasn't that just some cover deal? Something to think when they got a little too close?"


"C'mon B seriously now, what was the saying? Can tell me, you know I won't tell a soul."

"What are you...I'm not sure I should."

"Why not? What's it matter now?"

"I don't...It just doesn't...feel right."

"So what, that was all just bullshit before? Thought you said you trusted me now?"

"I do...I do trust you...Faith...I mean...I trust Faith...You're...not.........No."

"Bored now."

Buffy opened her eyes to find herself huddled on the cold stone floor, Willow pacing angrily in front of her.

"This is getting a little old, Buff. I mean it's been two weeks of almost constant togetherness, and what do I have to show for all my hard work?"

She kicked Buffy's already tender ribs, hard enough to lift her completely off the floor.

"Okay sure it's been fun, but I'm starting to get kinda cranky now. You don't wanna make me mad, do you?"


"Good idea, maybe later. Right now all I wanna know is what it's gonna take to get that phrase out of you."

"A lot more...than any...thing you've...got."

"Hey look everybody, it's the return of 'Buffy, the Scrappy Slayer'!"

She kicked Buffy again, this time slamming her painfully up against the wall.

"I have to tell ya Buff, you are one stubborn little bitch. I knew your body was strong 'cause hey Slayer here, but no way did I think you could take this much pain. It's kinda inspiring, ya know?"

Willow crouched down next to her, running her hand along Buffy's aching ribcage until she had her moaning in pain.

"But the biggest surprise? I had no clue that your mind was this strong. I'd have bet your life that last scenario had you beat, but nope. You just fought me off again, and even though it's getting a little old, I guess I have to give you credit for being tough. Giles would be so proud."

Willow stood and began pacing again.

"But see, now we've got a little problem. That last brain tour took a lot out of me and I'm feeling all drained and weak. Hmm, what can we do to pass the time? Ooh, I know! Let's do whips, that's always fun. Plus you cry every time now, and that's a big happy bonus."

Willow pulled her up roughly by her hair and flung her against the whipping post. As Buffy fought to stay on her feet, Willow manacled her securely into place.

"There, that's better isn't it? Now Buff, remember to do lots of screaming. Everybody loves hearing you so much, and it kinda breaks up the boring sunny parts of the day, ya know?"

Willow smiled as she looked at the Slayer:

"Aw, you're shaking for me already."

Willow pulled her close and licked along her jaw:

"Yep, that's definitely the taste of fear. You know none of this would have to happen if you'd just say the magic words. If you tell me, I promise I'll kill you fast. Think about it, there'd be no more suffering, no more pain, no more whips, just peace forever. Wouldn't that be nice? Come on Buff, just say it. Just say it and this will all be over."


"And now you're crying. Gee, I haven't even hit you yet, what's gonna happen when the flogging gets going for real?"

Buffy stood silently, shaking as the tears streamed down her face.

"Come on Buff, just say the phrase."


Buffy jumped as the whip cracked right next to her head.

"Last chance."


“Okay then, better buckle up Slayer. Willow's angry."


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