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Chapter Five

"Bloody goddamn hell!!! It's clearly not going to work! We haven't even given it a proper go and already it's gone barmy! We have nothing, not a bloody thing! What are we..."

"Maybe if we try to..."

Giles slammed the book he was holding down onto the dining room table, making everyone jump.

"We can't do 'maybes' Willow! We've got to get this sussed out now before it's too late! For all we know..."

"Giles, maybe you should try to calm down. We're all scared, but it's not..."

"You've something to share then, do you Xander? All done sitting about twiddling your thumbs, are you?"

"Hey, don't talk to him like that! He hasn't just been sitting around, and I've never seen him twiddle his thumbs."

"Ah yes, he's been most invaluable. Who else could have managed to fetch all the..."

Willow got up in a hurry as both Giles and Xander stood up:

"Whoa guys, stop. This isn't..."

"At least I've fed us! What exactly have you done that's been so..."

"Stop now! This isn't helping us get any closer to..."

"And purchasing pastries is going to win the day, is it? Well isn't that just bloody marvelous? All we need do is..."

"You're not being fair or funny Giles. You can't just attack Xander because you feel useless. He's doing..."

"Oh do jump in Anya, but first let me assure you I couldn't give a rat's arse..."

"SHUT UP!!!"

There was immediate silence as Willow's voice rang out in the room, and after a moment, everyone sat back down.

"This is not the time for this, not that there's ever a time for tearing each other apart. We're all scared, okay? No one say another word unless it's something useful. Buffy's counting on us, we have to stick together and help her."

The silence hung heavy in the air until Giles let out a sigh:

"...You're right, of course. Xander, please forgive me. I'm afraid I became somewhat unnerved by our latest failure, but I had no right to take my frustrations out on you. I'm deeply sorry, and I didn't mean a word of that rubbish. I believe I went somewhat insane there for a moment."

"It's okay, I understand. I'm feeling kind of crazy myself."

"Anya, I apologize to you as well. I shouldn't have..."

"I suppose since Xander accepted your apology, I have to as well. Fine, but you'd better watch your step mister. One more attack on him like that and you can kiss your precious jelly doughnuts goodbye...forever."

"A punishment I would more than deserve. I'm truly sorry Anya, everyone."

"Well it sounds like you really mean it, so okay. I forgive you Giles."

"I appreciate that, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Willow took charge again:

"All right, so where exactly are we?"

"I'd say we're pretty much nowhere."

"I'm afraid I must concur with Xander. It seems we..."

Dawn stood up in a near panic:

"But there has to be something we can do!"

"I'm sorry Dawn, but it appears as if we've utterly exhausted all our..."

"No, there has to be something..."

As Dawn began crying, Willow stood up and pulled her close:

"Shhh Dawnie, it's okay. God Giles, is that your new plan? Terrorize Dawnie and sit back while Buffy gets tortured to death?! You're her Watcher, but that's..."

"Figure to step in now, since your voice of reason's starting to lose it."

Five heads turned at the sound of her voice...


Willow began murmuring ominously as Xander scrambled for the weapons. Before Faith could move or say a word, she felt the air around her becoming strangely charged, and then just like that she was burning.

"Hold up, just here to help!"

The pain made her stagger back a few paces, but she stayed on her feet.

"I believe I speak for the group when I say, 'Not bloody likely'."

"Shit! Look I'm sitting, okay? Hands locked behind my head. I'm...Fuck!!! Red, I get it! Wanna kill me? Go ahead but...OW, Jesus! Please, just...just hear me out first...Please."

The air remained uncomfortably close and hot, but the pain receded to a tolerable level. Willow's eyes were a solid black, and they never once left Faith.

"Fuck that hurt. You guys can chain me up if ya wanna, alright? Whatever it takes to make you comfortable, but ya gotta hear me out."

"We don't need chains. One false move and all you are is an unpleasant memory."

The pain increased again, and the sound of Willow's voice was nothing short of terrifying. It was deep and menacing, and it didn't sound a thing like her.

"Shit, I get it! I'm not moving at all. Just let me talk."

"Go ahead."

Faith was sweating as she sat with her back against the wall.

"Busted outta jail about five hours ago. Called in some..."

"And so what? You thought we'd be happy to see our very own murderer fleeing from justice?"

"Knew better than that Xander. Just let me explain and if I got it wrong, I'll turn myself right the fuck in."

"Well odds are since you always get everything wrong..."

"Xander while I understand and even share your hostility, I think we should let her speak. Perhaps she truly does have some useful information to impart."

Xander's expression clearly showed his unhappiness with Giles' suggestion:

"...Yeah okay, go ahead."

"B's in trouble. Some hotshot vamp's got her, and you guys can't get anywhere near her. There's some kinda barrier in the way, and time's startin' to factor in. That part's sorta confused 'cause B's a little jumbled up."

The dropping of a pin would have been audible.

"Sudden quiet mean I'm on the money?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it does."


"Would you care to explain how you knew?"

"Been getting these dreams. First I figured'em for a reaction to the new menu or something, but they just kept comin' so I started paying attention. They got clearer and I finally clued in. Think B's been trying to give me the skinny."

"Something akin to your shared dream concerning the Mayor?"

"Yeah, in a way."

Giles was pacing back and forth:

"I see...So it was then you so cavalierly decided to end your incarceration with no regard whatsoever for the consequences to yourself?"

"Wasn't nothing 'cavalier' about it. Tried calling Angel first 'cause no way was I looking to screw myself. Not too surprised when nobody answered, haven't heard from him in like two months now. Fact, I was hoping you guys might have some info."

Giles hesitated before answering:

"It seems he and Cordelia have gone missing. Wesley and the rest of Angel's associates are currently searching for them."

"Fuck! Anybody ask that little fucking shit Connor?"

"Sorry, who?"

"Angel's kid. Tell ya, don't trust that little prick as far as you can..."

Everyone looked confused:

"I'm sorry, did you just say, 'Angel's kid'?"

"Yeah, Angel's son...Connor. What, you guys didn't know?"

"I should say not!"

"Well now ya do, and you're not missing much. Kid's a real..."

"One moment please, why would Angel adopt..."

"Didn't. Him and Darla did the deed, here comes the kid."

Giles could not contain himself:

"That's utterly impossible! Two vampires cannot conceive a child under any circumstance!"

"What can I tell ya? Never say 'never', I guess. Look, know you wanna dig into it, but don't we need to focus on B right now?"

Giles stopped cleaning his glasses, placing them back in their proper position:

"Yes, yes of course we do. The subject of Angel's miraculous fatherhood can keep."

He still looked somewhat lost in thought, so Willow decided to ask the questions.

"So why not just call us with your information? Why inflict your presence on us?"

Faith laughed, but it wasn't a happy sound.

"Knew if I called, you'd hang it up 'fore I could even get it going. Plus, pretty sure I need to be here."

"And what? You just expect us to believe you and roll out a great big 'Welcome' mat?"

"The delegate from 'Chokeville' votes a resounding 'nay'."

Anya patted his arm reassuringly, then turned back to Faith:

"I think this would be an ideal time to inform you that you may not have sex with him again. He's mine now, and we only do that with each other. Also, you can't choke him anymore either."

"Understood. Xander, not asking you to trust me...Okay, guess maybe I kinda am. I'm sorry about what I did to you, to all of you, but none of that matters right now. I know none of you like me, and I know you don't want me anywhere near you. I got it, loud and clear, but B's in bad trouble and you can't help her...leastways not by yourselves. I'm here and I'm offering."

"And exactly what assurance do we have that this offer is indeed on the up and up?"

"...None, I guess. Only references I got are Angel. Warden woulda spoken for me, but thinking my big bust out on his watch sorta fucked that relationship up for good. I got nothing to give you guys, and I don't blame you for having doubts. But I'm asking you, screw that, I'm begging you to take a chance on me. You gotta do it, not for me but for B. Please."

Her voice rang out with such sincerity, the Scoobies looked confused and conflicted.

"We shall need to discuss this first."


"Would you consent to Willow placing you in a binding spell? You shan't be able to move and it's somewhat uncomfortable for a Slayer."

"Bind away."

Faith felt a tingling, much less painful than what she'd already experienced, and then she found she couldn't move a muscle.

"We'll be back as quickly as possible."

"I'll be here."

They returned twenty minutes later looking so grim and serious, Faith was certain it was bad news. She was just starting to panic when the spell was removed and Giles spoke up:

"We've decided we have no other choice but to accept your offer. None of us truly want to, but our backs are to the wall. God knows what is happening to Buffy, we only know that she has not appeared at any of the checkpoints in just over a fortnight now. Not knowing how she is or what she's enduring..."

"I know. They got her just over two weeks ago, and it's bad. Vamp's got her thinking all of you are dead and that Willow's been turned and is doing the torturing."


"He's got some kinda mojo that fucks with her head, but she keeps fighting him off. He got her to say some special phrase..."

"That's not possible. If she'd said it, the barrier would be down and we'd all be in the midst of apocalypse we'd stand no chance of stopping."

"B gave him some fake deal, which spun off into some whole other mindfuck he had going. Made her think it was just a dream that she came and busted me outta prison. After a while she saw through it, now they're back to having Willow torture it out of her."

Everyone looked shocked, and Giles felt the need to clean his glasses again.

"This is all rather..."

"It's crazy and confusing as shit. All I can tell ya is that B's being Buffy and hanging tough. Still, as much as this bastard's abusing her mind and body, she's not gonna last forever. We gotta get her outta there."

"Wow, great idea Faith! I know none of us have thought of that. Okay everybody, let's go rescue Buffy. Faith came up with it all by herself."

"Willow, please."

"Not saying I invented the wheel, just saying we got a new player in the mix now. I'm here and there's gotta be a reason B's been calling me. Wanna bust my balls every time I say something? Go ahead Red, well within your rights. But while you're jawing, can we get moving?"

The silence was strained and awkward until Willow apologized:

"I'm sorry. I'll try to keep the snide comments to myself."

"No problem, I deserve it and more. Just don't want it getting in the way of us pulling B clear. So you mentioned 'checkpoints', Giles?"

"Yes. When we erected the barrier, we knew Buffy would have to remain inside in order to hold it up. She would not allow any of us to stay with her, so we designated certain areas as 'checkpoints'. These spots allowed us to see that she was okay, as well as devise new strategies based on any information she'd been able to gather. Sixteen days ago she failed to appear as planned, and we've not seen her since."

"Time frame fits. Started having the dreams right about then. So what's this time crunch thing?"

Giles began pacing again.

"Well it's quite involved, but the short answer is that the barrier must remain in place for a total of sixty-six days. There are twenty-one more to go. If we can hold out until then, Spiran's chance will have passed. He will be unable to open the Hellmouth and call forth 'The Pernitum'."

"And they are?"

"They are also called 'The Harbingers of the Final Apocalypse'. They have been trapped in the Hellmouth longer than man has existed and they are..."

"Not somebody we wanna see in Sunnydale."

"That's correct."

"So where's this phrase B's hanging onto come into play?"

Willow answered calmly, but she also shifted her position when Faith did, making sure to keep her in sight.

"I raised the barrier and I can lower it. Buffy was afraid if she got captured, I'd take it down and we'd try to rescue her."

"Well hell yeah, but I'm still missin' something here. Even if B says it, so what? Still takes Red to pull it down, right?"

"Normally you'd be spot on, but Spiran has three incredibly powerful mystics with him. We believe they are more than able to lower the barrier with Buffy's cooperation."

"So, all shakes down to how long B can take it."

"She is truly all that stands between Spiran and the total destruction of mankind."

"Lucky break for mankind, but B's screwed."

"Yes, it's not at all ideal."

Faith clearly wanted to move, but was doing her best to stay in a small area away from everyone.

"Am I right with the info I got? They can't kill her and she can't kill herself?"

"That is correct. The barrier would fall immediately if she was to take her own life, and it will remain forever in place should they kill her or attempt to turn her."

"Both sides clear on the rules?"

"I don't believe there's any doubt about that."

"Twenty-one more days...She's not ever gonna tell him, no matter what he does. But she is gonna end up dead or nuts."

"Neither of which we deem an acceptable outcome."

"With ya all the way. How big's this thing?"

"The barrier? It encompasses nearly half the town."

"Shit. Blood supply inside?"

Giles looked shaken at the question, and it took him a few moments to reply:

"We of course did our best to evacuate as many as we could, but I'm afraid time became an issue. There are plenty of animals trapped as well."


"It was not a perfect solution, but we felt it was necessary to do what we did."

"Hey, no backseat drivin' here. Know you guys did what had to be done."

"So do you need any further clarification? Perhaps there's something I didn't..."

"Got the basics. Never did give a shit about the 'whys' and 'hows'. Just wanna know what I need to, ya know?"

"Yes, I quite recall."

"Don't worry though. Learned how to play by the rules real good in the joint. Not gonna fuck it up this time through."

"I sincerely hope that's true...for all our sakes."

"Think you could take me to this barrier deal? Kinda need to get a sense of it, see what we're up against."

"Yes, of course. We can go right now."

"Like to use the john first, if that's cool? Red, guessing you're gonna wanna keep an eye on?"

Willow stood, her stance aggressive and cautious at the same time.

"'Wanna' isn't exactly how I'd put it, but no way am I letting you roam around all unsupervised."

"Always been smart. Giles when I get back, maybe we could all figure out how you're gonna give me some weapons."

Xander finally couldn't take any more, and he almost leapt to his feet:

"Weapons?! You want us to figure out how we're going to give you some weapons?! I think I already know how. How about, we're not?!"

"Know it's tough, no answer here...Guess maybe you guys are just gonna have to have some faith."

No one made a sound, except Anya. She laughed like she'd completely lost it, and it took her some time to regain control of herself.

"Ha, ha, ha! Don't any of you get it?! It's a play on words...See 'Faith' is her name, while 'faith' is a word that means..."

"We get it, honey."

"Well I think it was really witty and hysterical too. No one mentioned that she was funny."

Giles cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable about what seemed to be a most likely necessity.

"So Faith, exactly what weapons are you seeking?"

"A stake of course...Guess a knife and hopefully a battleaxe."

"Yes, well while not by any means an extravagant request, it is a somewhat..."

"...scary ass one. I get it guys, really I do. But I am a Slayer, real shitty one so far, but I'm all we got right now. I need weapons to do my job right, and I don't see any other way we can go. Open to suggestions."

Giles sighed and began rubbing his temples:

"Perhaps while you attend to your ablutions we can..."


"While you avail yourself of the facilities, we shall discuss your request."

"Okay, back in a few."

Faith strode up the stairs, Willow close behind. The instant they were out of sight, Xander turned to Giles:

"So you're just going to give her weapons?! Giles!"

"I know, but I'm not sure I see any other choice. Do you?"

"Yes! No! God, I don't know...Do you think we can trust her?"

"I suppose if one were to look at it objectively, all the evidence skews in her favor. I doubt however that any of us can be objective, I know I'm struggling mightily in my attempts to get anywhere near that state of mind."

Xander sat down heavily, his face revealing his despair.

"What's going to happen if we trust her and she's lying?"

Giles sighed as he seriously considered the possibility.

"I don't know. I suppose we'll all be killed off. I don't have any better answers, all I know is that I believe we have to take the risk for Buffy's sake."

"...Yeah, I agree. I just hate it that we have to count on her in any way."

Giles patted his shoulder as he returned to his seat:

"I know, it's bloody insane."


"Yes Dawn?"

"If she's telling the truth, Buffy called her and she came. That has to mean something, I mean something good."

"Yes, I suppose it might mean that on some level she..."

"No Giles, I mean it must mean that Buffy thinks Faith can do something. She called her because she knew she'd come and that she'd be able to help somehow."

"She's got a point Giles. Maybe The Murder Queen really can help."

"It's a very good possibility, but we've no real way to know at this point. We shall have to stay on our guard and hope for the best. Unfortunately, there isn't much else we can do."

"Yeah...Boy, isn't this one big boatload of fun?"

"Well the good news is that she's funny and extremely easy on the eyes. Now that I think about it, I don't believe you ever mentioned just how beautiful she is either, Xander."

"An, now's not the time for..."

"I mean, she just exudes sexiness. I can understand why you slept with her, she's just got something appealing about her. It sure seems like you left out quite a few things when you..."

"Anya, she tried to strangle me to death! That kind of became the main thing you needed to know about her."

"Okay, don't get all riled. I guess that makes sense......Still as attractive as she is, I think it'd be only natural that you'd at least...I guess this should be a quiet time now."



"Hey, thanks for letting me take a shower. Fucking hot water's incredible."

"I guess."

Faith finished toweling off and began putting on the clothes Willow had given her.

"Red, wanna tell you something."

"I'm not interesting in hearing any apologies, in fact I'm not interested in hearing anything you have to say."

"Know ya well enough to know that. It's about B."

"What is it?"

"Every single time I got the images of you hurting her, it was really bad. B can't see it as anything but you as a vamp."

"......Wow, how nice of you to remind me."

"You're missing my point here. She's never once seen it as you. You she thinks about when she's scared or in pain. When she needs to stay strong, she thinks about all the good times with you, all of you. She never ever thinks of you as the person that's hurting her. She still loves you, you're one of the biggest things helping her hang on. Don't forget that."


"Anyways, figured that was probably weighing on ya, and I know B would want you to know the truth...Okay, guess we gotta head on down and see if I at least get a Swiss Army knife."

Faith hung her towel over the shower curtain rod and they headed for the stairs.



"...Thank you for that."

"Sure. Just ten million more good deeds and we might start approaching square. Fuck, what a sitch, yeah?"




When Willow and Faith got downstairs, they found everyone else in the living room.

"Back all fresh and abluted. These mine?"

"Yes. I believe you shall find all the items you requested."

"Cool! Oh man, I love this axe!"

"Dawn remembered it as a personal favorite."

"Fuck yeah! Thanks Dawnie! Okay, we ready to go?"

"I believe so, yes. We are all coming along, perhaps we shall be able to discern something we've overlooked."

"Be great, but what are the odds?"

"Certainly not in our favor, but better than before you arrived."

"Least it's somethin'. Let's motor."

Willow stepped up next to her, but well back from weapons range:

"Faith, if you try anything..."

"Got the message loud and clear before. Only thing I'm gonna try is to help B. If it looks like I'm getting outta line, just say the word and I'll jump back in. All your show as far as I go."

"Yes, well now that we've got the rules all straightened out, shall we?"

They filed out with Willow walking directly behind Faith and at the ready. Faith could feel her gaze drilling a hole between her shoulder blades, and she knew Willow's attention wasn't going to be anywhere else for a long time.

She found herself walking next to Dawn and figured she might as well go for it.

"Hey uh...Dawn?"


"Sorry to hear about your mom. Angel told me and...Well, I'm really sorry. She was a good woman, a really great mom."


"Listen, we're gonna get B back, okay? No idea how right this sec, but I know there's a way and we're gonna find it."

Dawn never even looked at Faith, her gaze remaining front and center. A couple of minutes passed and then her voice came out all soft and scared:


"Give ya my word Squirt."

Dawn couldn't stop herself from smiling when she heard the familiar nickname.

"I'm trusting you Faith."

"Not gonna let you down, not this time."



They'd been examining the barrier for twenty minutes now, and Faith was becoming increasingly pissed off. Giles and Willow had successfully demonstrated just how strong it was and other than that, Faith hadn't gotten a thing out of their visit. It was all just a big waste of time and...

"Goddamn it!"

She swung her battleaxe in a fury at the barrier, and to everyone's surprise it went through to land with a loud clatter on the other side.

"What the fuck?"

She reached out to lay her hand on the barrier, but Giles pulled her back before she could make contact.

"No Faith!"

"No?! What the fuck do you mean 'no'?!"

"If indeed you can cross, which at this juncture seems more than likely, you must not enter unprepared."

"Fuck that! This is what I came here for and I'm..."

"Faith please, just wait a moment."

She still looked like she wanted to jump right in, but she finally sighed and stepped back.

"Thank you. Willow, can you posit any theories?"

Willow was tentatively poking at the barrier, lost in thought:

"No, not really. The spell I did was tailored using Buffy's essence...wait...No, it was tailored using her Slayer essence!"

"...And Faith shares that same essence, of course!"

"So even though Faith is just an evil rotten Slayer, she and Buffy share the same 'Slayerness'?"

"Crude as that may be, that is the crux of it Anya."

Willow was practically shouting in her excitement:

"The barrier can't distinguish between them. It's all the same thing, the same Slayer signature. That's got to be it!"

"So you're saying I can get in because I'm a Slayer?"

"It would appear so, yes. Your Slayer lineage comes from Buffy and it links you in a variety of ways. My God, why didn't I think of this sooner?"

Faith approached the barrier again.

"Okay then, stand back. I'll head in, get B and we can..."

"Stop! No matter how hard it is to wait, we must think this through. Yes it appears that you will be able to cross through the barrier, but it seems just as likely that the same rules shall apply to you that apply to Buffy. Once you enter, you will be trapped."

"One-way trip, got it."

"Guys, I'm not sure I'm getting it."

"I'm not entirely certain myself, Xander. We must..."

"Are you guys fucking nuts? I'm gonna go in, grab B, then stay on the loose 'til the deadline passes. Once that happens, we're gonna make the fuckers pay, and pay big."

"That is a lovely plan, but we must research this thoroughly. By no means is any of this a routine matter, nor are we at all clear what is..."

"Ya get four hours, then I'm going in. Not gonna just sit around while B's getting torn to shreds. I can get in and I'm going...one way or the other."

"Understood, and for the most part agreed with. I just want us to do this as safely as possible."

Faith turned and looked him right in the eye:

"I get it Giles, this is what you do and I respect that. But unless you end up telling me that you're one hundred percent sure that my heading in collapses the barrier, I'm going in. I've seen it, I know exactly what she's going through and I...I can't deal with not going to get her, not when I know I can."

Giles' face softened, and he laid his hand comfortingly on Faith's shoulder:

"Four hours should afford us the time we need. I suggest we all return to the house and get started."

Everyone was quiet on the walk home, lost in their own thoughts, hopes, and fears. As the house came into view, Dawn spoke up:


"Yes Dawn?"

"Do you...I mean, if you had to guess..."

"I firmly believe this is the break we've been searching for. I am only urging caution in order to minimize the chance of making a mistake. We have to do this in the best way possible."

"Yeah but do you think..."

"We are going to marshal our forces and get Buffy to safety."


"Willow, I assume you've been..."

"Yep, I've already come up with a few things that should help. There shouldn't be any problem having them ready in time."

"Splendid, we'll leave you to it then."

They entered the house and headed straight to the dining room table.

"Xander, please set about gathering whatever Faith feels she needs to take with her. Make sure all the required weapons are in top shape. Anya, Dawn, I shall need you both on research. Are we all clear?"

"Everybody 'cept me. After placing my order with Xander, what do you want me to do?"

"Perhaps you should try and get some sleep. It's quite unlikely you'll be resting much in the upcoming days. Best to get all you can while you can."

"Can give it a try, but kinda wired here."

"Ha, ha, ha!"

Everyone turned to stare at Anya:

"What? Marionette jokes make me laugh, especially since Xander and I saw that ridiculous show in the park last year. You sure are funny Faith, even in times of great stress. No one told me about your sense of humor. All they said was that you were a slutty, murderous, backstabbing maniac."

"I'd say that's a fair description."

"Well I'm finding there's a lot to like about you. Come on, tell Xander what you want to take with you and then I'll walk you up."

It didn't take Faith long as she'd already figured out her requirements on the way back to the house. Her plan was to travel light, picking up supplies as she went. When she was done explaining her needs to Xander, Anya was as good as her word and led her up the stairs.

"So as I was saying, I like you very much, but we need to make sure you're clear about a couple of things. First, no sex with Xander ever or I won't be able to be your friend."

"Promise you, Xander's safe. No way I wanna mess up me and you."

Anya's smile was huge.

"That's great! You know I'm not a lesbian, don't you?"

"Yeah, picked up on that."

"Willow is though."

"Spotted that my last time through."

Anya's good mood seemed to disappear just like that.

"It was so sad when Tara was killed. She was so sweet, and even though she could be a little boring, we all loved her anyway. When she was murdered, Willow went all insane and tried to kill us and end the world...Hey that's kind of like what you did, only not because Tara died. Still, it's pretty close, more than close enough...I don't know why she acts so superior, clearly she's no better than you are. I'm going to go ask her why she..."

Faith grabbed Anya's arm:

"Uh no, probably not a good idea right now. Ya know, she's doing those spells and we don't wanna distract her."

"Oh, good thinking. We definitely don't need another disaster to deal with."

"Yeah, best to keep the focus on B."

Anya led her into Buffy's room.

"You can sleep in here. Don't worry, the sheets are clean."

"Man, real bed sounds like heaven...Rather have B here though."

"Poor Buffy, I guess it's really bad for her right now."

"Yeah, it is."

Faith sat down and took off her shoes.

"Are you good friends with her?"

"Not exactly."

"I heard you were more like mortal enemies, yet here you are just chomping at the bit to die for her...I mean, you're dying to save her...Anyway, I don't understand why."

"I owe her."

"Yes well I owe her twenty dollars, but you don't see me..."

"She's Buffy, ya know?"

"Yes, she's definitely Buffy all right. She and I are friends and I've grown to like her quite a lot, despite all of her very annoying flaws. She does have several good points, and she's a really good Slayer."


"Well even though it's very stupid of you to break out of prison just to die a horribly painful death for a woman who hates you, I think it's also very nice of you."


"You're welcome."

"Okay, guess I'd better try and crash now."



"Oh...You know you're very confusing and nothing like I thought you'd be. I really do like you, want to be friends?"

"Sure. Could use one."

"Me too. I don't really have any except everybody here. But can you try not to go all evil again? And no getting killed either because both of those things would stop our friendship before it could truly get going."

"Makes sense."

"Also, I think I'd be sad if you died."


"Ha, ha, ha! Wasn't that one of the worst movies ever?"


"Aren't you making fun of the movie 'Ghost'?"

"Not on purpose."

"Oh. Have you ever seen it?"

"Guess it slipped by me."

"Well if we're still alive when this is all over, let's rent it before you head back to 'The Big House'."

"Sounds good."

"You are going back?"

"Probably should."

"Do you have a 'Bertha' waiting for you?"


Anya pulled back the covers and waited for Faith to slide under them.

"Did you make someone your bitch?"

"No, just kept to myself."

"That must have been hard. Are you sure you don't want Xander again?"

"Positive. 'Sides, never sleep with my friend or her honey."

Anya was beaming now:

"That's great! Another good thing nobody told me about. Can I ask you something in confidence?"


Anya sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Was Xander a good lover right from the start? I don't know how that would be possible, but he's just so fantastic and that's all I can think of to explain it. You know, maybe he's just a natural at it, like a prodigy of the sexual kind. Of course his rather large penis has something to do with it, but it's not just that either. When the two of you..."

"An! An, we need you down here!"

"Guess research is calling."

"Ha, ha, ha! Calling Xander 'research'. You're such a nut! Okay, well try to get some sleep. And Faith?"


"I'm really counting on you to save Buffy and live through this."

"Gonna do my best."

"I hope that's good enough."

"I hear ya."

"Well I should think so, I'm standing right in front of you. Anyway, we'll wake you when it's time."



The research went well, and Giles was reasonably sure that Faith's presence would not cause the barrier to fall. He was just as certain that the rules already in place would apply to her as well.

"So what happens if they cap me? That mean the barrier stays put for good?"

"We're just not sure, but our best guess at this juncture would be no. It's all a tad muddled as of now, and truthfully I doubt we'll know anything more until we experience it. Not too frightfully helpful, I know."

"What the hell can ya do? It's new, and we got what we got."

"Faith, we don't think they'll do anything drastic, at least not at first. Spiran and his Mystics will sense something about you the second they see you, and no way will his followers risk doing anything without his permission. They'll be scared of making a mistake, so that should mean there will be no 'capping' of you, at least not right away."

"Sounds good Re...Willow."

She bent down to tighten the laces on her shoes:

"Nice job with the clothes and boots, Xander. Fit like they're mine."

"There is one thing Faith. Before you enter the barrier, we should attempt to narrow down all the possible locations where Buffy might be."

Faith was busy securing her weapons, and she replied almost absentmindedly:

"New six story building 'cross from some deli."

"That would be the law offices of 'Henderson, Henderson, and Finestein'."

"You can gimme directions?"

"Yes, but that's a fairly large building. It won't be easy to find her, and with all the vampires roaming about..."

"She's on the third floor. I'll find her."

"Oh, right then. Are we all ready?"

"Ready's my middle fucking name."

"Now that's just strange. No one knows your last name, your prison file just lists the Mayor's name as yours, and now we find out your middle name is..."

"Anya, a discussion perhaps left for later?"

"Probably, but since it's doubtful we'll ever see her alive again..."

"An! Sorry Faith."

Faith shrugged into her jacket and continued towards the front door.

"All cool, not like something I don't already know. Tell ya what Anya, I make it back, I'll tell ya then."

"That sounds good, it will give you something to live for."

"Do you have everything you require, Faith?"

"Yep, and Willow's clued me in on how to use it."

"Excellent. Xander, is the jeep..."

"Ready and waiting."

"Well then, shall we?"

They drove to the barrier crammed into Buffy's jeep, no one saying a word. The tension was thick, but as they poured out of the car, Faith began laughing. They all looked at her somewhat nervously, and Giles braced himself for the worst:

"Is something funny?"

"Gonna be the biggest letdown in history if I can't get in."

That struck them all as funny, and their laughter mingled easily with hers.

"Okay, so I got it straight...B's the key here. She's gotta say the phrase, it's her holding up the barrier. They won't know what to make of me, might think I matter somehow. That gives us an advantage, least at first. Don't wanna test it though, so no offing myself. That cover it?"

Giles had his glasses off and his handkerchief out:

"Yes, I believe that sums it up quite nicely."

"Guess now I get how the Redshirts feel on 'Star Trek'."


"Have Xander explain it. Alright, listen up. I'm gonna grab your golden girl and we're gonna haul ass. We'll get to a checkpoint as soon as we can to leave you a sign. Don't worry if you don't hear from us for awhile, might take some time."


"Got my promise Squirt. I'm gonna get her out of there and I'm gonna keep her safe."

Dawn nodded as Willow wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

"'Sides, me and Anya got us a date planned. Not missing out on that."

"She means as friends, not lovers. We're best friends now, and renting movies is something best friends do. Willow, you and Buffy are more than welcome to join us."

"Uh...sure, that sounds nice. Faith, are you positive you..."

A cocky grin lit Faith's face:

"No worries. Not gonna blow myself up 'fore I get B."

"Good luck Faith, and do be careful."

"You know me, but thanks G-man."

"Stick close to Spock."

"Gonna try. I'll give you guys a sign the second I can. Remember Dawn, you got my word...all of you do."

The Scoobies looked scared and unsure, but Faith could see they had hope now too. Hope and Faith, it was going to have to be the combo that worked because there was nothing else.

"Well...here goes everything."

She stepped through the barrier like it wasn't there, then turned back to face them. She tried to hand a stake to Giles, but she couldn't. She was trapped.

"Okay, going our way so far. Don't panic, I'll be in touch."

And then she was gone, fading into the shadows as if she'd never been there.

"Well, can't say we saw that one coming."

"Quite right Xander, I know I bloody well didn't."

"I just hope she remembers my instructions because..."

"She does. She's going to get Buffy too."

"I think Dawn is right. Clearly she could have been trying to falsely reassure all of you, but she said it to me as well. Since we're best friends, she's not allowed to lie to me, she has to tell me the truth. That means at the very least, she truly believes she's going to save Buffy."

"Xander, perhaps you could explain the 'Star Trek' reference?"

"The Redshirts are the cannon fodder, you know the ones who get killed while the hero lives to tell the tale."

"Ah yes, I see now."

"Well I'd say our friendship is off to a great start, although there does seem to be a potential problem brewing. She just so incredibly sexy, don't you all think so? Is it normal to be sexually attracted to your best friend? Willow, do you want to have sex with Buffy?"

"An honey, we're all kind of terrified right now. Maybe you and Will can talk about this later?"

Willow's face was fire truck red:

"Or maybe we could talk about it never?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm scared too. I was just trying to provide us with some distracting small talk."

"A gesture we all appreciate very much."

Anya's smile was huge as she practically glowed with pride and delight.

"You're all very welcome...Of course, it was helping me as well."

"Yes of course it was. Might I suggest we all return to the house?"

They piled back into the jeep for the silent ride home, all their hopes now pinned on a rogue Slayer. There was no way it should have been a comforting thing. It was though.



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